Chapter 35

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The car ride was silent and not much was said between Marc and I. The only conversation we had was when he said, "You forgot to tell Anto you left" and I replied with a simple "Ha, oops" and a small stage of the laughter filled the car, but it lasted for only a few seconds.

"Well, here we are" he said parking the car into the airport parking lot.

"Yeah" I sighed unbuckling my seatbelt.

He got out of the car and got my luggages out of the trunk.

"Thanks" I say reaching for my bags.

"No, it's okay I got it"

"Okay, thanks"

He nods as we walk to the airport entrance.

"I'll go get you checked in and you just sit here" he says giving me the bags.

"Thanks" I sigh taking the bags from his hands.

He ran off and went to check in.

I sat on a chair with my legs crossed and my hand under my chin.

I looked down at the bags and noticed that it seemed like there were more bags in there than I thought I had packed.

Oh well, I probably just wasn't paying attention to my packing.

Marc ran back over to me while putting something in his pocket, probably his wallet.

"Here's your ticket" he said with a sigh.

"Bye, I'll see you whenever I can" I said holding in some tears.

I guess the only reason I was emotional because Marc and I have been through some weird shit these last few days. Through the fun and sad times, Marc has been there for me whenever I needed someone.

"Don't say bye, bye means going away, and going away means forgetting, just say... see you later" he said with a weak smile.

"See you later Marc" I said with a sigh.

"Actually, I'll walk with you to the terminal" he recommended.

"Is that even allowed?" I asked.

"I'm Marc Bartra walking with Maria Messi, why wouldn't it be"

"Good point"

He walked with me to the terminal after we grabbed something to eat. Now we were in front of the plane doors.

"See you later" I say giving him a long hug.

"I'll walk onto the plane with you and put your carry-on bags in the container things on top of the plane" he suggests.

"It's called an overhead bin and I'm almost 100% sure that they won't allow you to do that"

"You're right, I guess... I'll see you later" he says hugging me.

I walk into the plane and plug in my headphones and played the song "Lay Me Down" by Sam Smith.

I hummed along to the music and saw someone run and get onto the plane and plopping in the seat behind me. Wow, if they would have gotten here a minute later they would have been left behind.

I closed my eyes and feel asleep to the beautiful voice of Sam Smith.


"Maria" someone whispered.

I opened my eyes and saw Marc.

I quickly pinched myself to make sure this wasn't a dream.

"Marc what are you doing here?"

Changing (Oscar Emboaba & Marc Bartra) FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now