Chapter 19

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After about an hour at 6:55pm Oscar texted me to come down to the lobby.

We walked out to Oscar's car and he open the door for me and i got in and waited for him to get to the driver's seat.

{Skip 20 min. car ride}

Oscar wouldn't tell me where we were going until we pulled into the parking lot, and then I saw the most wonderful sight and thats when Oscar told me where we were.

"We're here, The 'London Eye'."

It was so beautiful. So many bright colored lights. It was breath taking. The amount of people and the lightened up Ferris wheel. It was just to good for words.

(The 'London Eye' is a ferris wheel)

We walked over to the ticket booth and bought 2 tickets for 4 rides around

When it was finally our turn to ride Oscar and I sat next to each other. We took a few selfies and pictures of the view from the top.

On our 3rd ride around the controls malfunctioned and we got stuck...AT THE TOP. Not to mention I was freakishly afraid of heights.

After about 15 minutes being stuck Oscar looked over at me and saw a scared look plastered across my face.

"Relax Maria, we'll be fine. Wait, are you scared of heights?" He asked

I nodded viciously. While he just laughed. He started bumping the sides of the cart which probably increased our chance of falling.

"Oscar stop! I'm scared!" I yelled.

"Okay Im sorry..." He said hugging me and gave me a small peck on the cheek. "Are you cold?" He asked noticing my shivering.

I hadn't really thought about how cold I was until he brought it up. I had been to scared of the height we were at to notice I was cold. But now since he had brought it up I was a bit cold.

I again nodded my head.

He took off his jacket and wrapped it around me. HOW CUTE!! Then he got closer to me and kind of cuddled me to keep me warm. He was way to cute to even handle.


Soon after Oscar's romantics we finally started moving. After we got to the bottom we had one last round. We stayed in our cart. Oscar wrapped his arms around me from behind me and we just stayed like that looking at the beautiful city of London.

Until Oscar decided it would be funny to tickle me. He started tickling me, I am a very ticklish person so I pretty much tried to get his hands off as soon as possible.

"Stop! Stop! Oscar stop! OSCAR EMBOABA STOP IT RIGHT NOW!" I yelled, he didn't take me very seriously at all considering I was laughing so hard at his tickling. I tried to stop laughing but I just couldn't!

We finally got to the bottom and my side started cramping due to laughing so hard back in the cart. Oscar was still laughing and holding my hand. I just glared at him, trying to hold back my laugh but I couldn't.


"Oscy? Haha" he said while laughing

"New nickname, treasure it."

"I will" he assured

"My legs hurt... Mind carrying me?" I lied while pouting. I was really just to lazy to walk.

"Ok." He said while crouching down.

I hopped onto his back as he walked me to the car. He cracked some jokes here and there.

This wasn't how I expected my first date. I thought we would go to a dinner or something. But this is probably 10x better than what I had in mind.

We were back in the car and on our way to the hotel.

Changing (Oscar Emboaba & Marc Bartra) FanfictionTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang