Chapter 20

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After Oscar dropped me off at my hotel, I was nothing but smiles. He made me very happy just being around him. I went to sleep with nothing but Oscar on my mind.

I woke up the next morning, got ready for practice. I brought an extra water bottle considering Coach claims that we would have a hard practice. I got my stuff ready and quickly put my hair into a ponytail and went to the lobby to wait for the bus.

After the long bus ride I got out and walked to practice trying to prepare myself for whatever lies ahead of me.

During practice we had to run 10 laps around the field, dribble the ball around (full speed) the field 10 laps. After we did that, we had to do a drill until it was pure perfection then we had to score penalties. I was exhausted. I had never worked out so hard considering I had never played with a professional team. I never really experienced these kind of work outs before.

After a while we had finally let out for a lunch break. I took a long sip of water, then went out to Oscar's car for our lunch. He approached the car about the same time I did.

"Hey, Maria"


"Well we are going to McDonalds because... remember, we still have to go there until you get sick of it." he reminded me.

"That won't be for a long time." I reassured.

"Great lets get going." he backed out of the lot and drove to McD.

"So did you enjoy our date yesterday?" He asked

"Yes! I certainly did. Did you?"


"Well I have a surprise for you." he said.

"What is it?"

"It's called a SURPRISE."

He continues to drive and we got to McD. We ate our food and he drove me back to practice.

"Thanks." I said kissing his cheek.

"Anytime, and I'll show you the surprise after practice."

I nodded and got out of the car back into my practice. During practice we had hard core drills as well as conditioning. I had to work my ass off to not fall behind. I was more than ready to face Arsenal. This match was my first professional soccer match and there is no way that I'm going to show any mercy. I needed to show everyone that I belong on this team.

Practice was finally over after what felt like an eternity. I waited outside at Oscar's car until he came out of his practice. He came out and greeted me.

"Hello, Maria!"

"Hey, Oscy."

"That's going to give me time to adjust to. Haha."

"Haha, yeah. So what was your surprise?"

"Oh! I almost forgot... Well I'll show you."

I thought he had something to literally give to me but instead he started up the car. We drove through this beautiful neighborhood with luxurious houses filled in it. He stopped at this one beautiful house. I couldn't stop starring at it. He parked the car and ran around to the other side to open my door.

"Oscar, what is this place?"

"Well let's go in and see."

He offered me his hand and I took it. We walked to the front of the house and Oscar slowly turned the door knob. He looked up at me when the door was fully open. I was in total awe what I saw.

"OH MY GOD WHEN DID YOU TWO PLAN THIS?!" I asked Lucia and Oscar. Lucia was holding up a sign that said 'Welcome Home'.

I finally had my own house. I grabbed Oscar and squished the life out of him.

"I. Can't. Breathe." he said gasping for air.

"Oh my god. Did you buy this?" I asked


"Yes, he did." Lucia said.

This was all so amazing. I'm moving fast for everything since I got here. I mean me and Oscar are moving pretty fast and so are me and Lucia. I mean we're moving in together. Life is moving fast. But I can handle it, these changes might be very fast, but they are very good. Not everything fast is bad. I mean I love every second of my life here in London. Even when it comes to Ana, except the fact that she and Oscar had something going. But this time here in London was to good for words.


Me, Lucia, and Oscar have already taken everything from the hotel and are in the process of unpacking. Oscar had already had the furniture here. So he had ordered everything in advanced. Luckily, he had great taste in furniture. When we finished unpacking Oscar left and told me he would be at my game. Lucia said 'goodnight' and went to bed. I went straight to bed after Oscar left.

I had a big day ahead of me and I had to get good sleep in to be prepared for the big day ahead of me.

Changing (Oscar Emboaba & Marc Bartra) FanfictionKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat