Chapter 12

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"Where are we going first?" I eagerly asked

"Well I'll show you to the Big Ben and from there just tell me if you see anything interesting."

I nodded.

He lead me to his car and opened it, I took a seat and waited for him to get in.

"So what happened after I had left your stadium?"

"More jokes about Leo... You were in some of them. I don't know what her problem is she just has an enormous grudge on me, though I did nothing."

"Don't worry about it, ask Leo of what he thinks you should do."

I slowly nodded again. "So changing the subject, how was your practice?" I asked.

"I guess good, normal. Except for what Costa did. Got me a little emotional." He started faking to sniffle once again. I just started to laugh.

"Anyways, here we are... The Big Ben." He helped me out of the car and held my head.

We just went around sight seeing. Looking at everything we got some pretty good and funny pictures. He was very cute and funny but somewhat awkward. I found it adorable. He kissed my head a few times.
~~~~Last Stop (Buckingham Palace) ~~~~
We just arrived at the Buckingham Palace and let me just tell you it was BEAUTIFUL...

"Oh my god!!! This is so pretty and big!!" I said astonished. Let's take a picture."

Oscar grabbed my phone and was getting ready to take a picture of me and him smiling in front of the Buckingham Palace. Right before he snapped the picture, he turned and gave me a quick kiss on the cheek.

"Oscar..." I lightly pushed his chest while chuckling.

"Here take a video of this." he said handing me back my phone.

I videotaped him, he walked up to one of the guards and was so close that their noses were almost touching.

"How ya doin?" He asked slyly.

No response.

Oscar slowly widened his eyes and got closer to the guards face.

The guard didn't move.

Oscar made a silly face, which caused the guard to chuckle.

"Mission complete!" He ran over to me and did some type of awkward dancing. I ended the video and started to laugh.

"Save your dancing for later, we have to get going it's getting dark." I laughed

"You know you love it.." he said.

"In your best dreams."

I turned around to start walking back to his care when he jumped in front of me within seconds. I laughed.

"I'm not moving until you tell me that you love my dancing!"

I gave him an 'are you serious look'. I tried to walk around him, but he kept moving in my way. I chuckled. I pushed him with my body. Didn't move. I glared at him. Didn't work. I pouted. Didn't work. I tried everything to get pass this dude. Didn't work.

"Please just move..."

"Not until you say you love my dancing."

"Okay! I love your terrible dancing."


I laughed. He swiftly picked me up and slung me over my shoulder.

"Put me down!!" I shouted, I pounded my fist against his back. "HELP!!!" I yelled trying to be serious but I ended up laughing.

He finally released me from his grip.

"I hate you..." I laughed

"It's okay, you know you love me..." he said pinching my cheeks.

Changing (Oscar Emboaba & Marc Bartra) FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now