Chapter 43

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The stadium was dead silent. Everyone's eyes were glued on me. I didn't even have to look to figure out.

"Yes" I answered nodding.

The crowd cheered as well as the players. Everyone on the field got off and went into the locker rooms. Marc picked up all of the cards and wiped his face. He then walked off of the field.

I looked into Oscar's eyes and smiled brightly. He pulled my chin and kissed me, then pulled me into a tight hug.

The crowd continued to yell/applaud. Lucia just stood up and clapped.

Marc walked over to where we were.

Marc's POV

"Congratulations" I say with my best fake smile.

"Thank you" They reply happily.

They both looked so happy, they obviously both loved each other. I lost her. I should be happy for them, but I couldn't help but feel nothing but sadness. I had to brighten up and fake this smile as long as I can, Maria was happy and so was Oscar. That's all that matters.

"What should we do to celebrate?" Lucia asks clapping her hands together.

"FOOD!!! I'm hungry" Maria says rubbing her stomach.

"Let's go" Oscar says kissing her.

I put my head down and walked with them to the parking lot with my hands in my pockets.

"Marc!!!" Lucia yells.


"Come here" she orders.

I walk back to her as Maria and Oscar giggle pass me holding hands.

"Yes?" I ask again once I was beside her.

"Are you okay?" She asks.

"Yep" I lie.

"That wasn't very believable Marc"

"I'm fine" I lie again.

"You sure?" She asks once more.


"Brighten you face up, we're going to celebrate. Don't be a party pooper" she warns pinching my cheek.

"Okay, I won't" I say raising up my hands.

"We're going to a club down the street" she tells me.

"We're spending a celebration like this in a club?" I question.

"Hey!! I picked it out, I need some fun of my own. And what'd I tell you about being a party pooper" She hisses.

"Sorry, sorry" I respond walking with her to the car.

Lucia was right. I did need to loosen up. I couldn't ruin this special moment for Oscar and Maria.

"I'm so glad you said yes!" Oscar yelled when I got into the car.

"You've said that about 8 times already" She told him.

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