Chapter Thirteen: Secrets be Told

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Chapter Thirteen
Secrets be Told

"Sky, your real name is Adam. Your 21 and you're an adopted child." Mitch had said and then showed Adam the page.

"I'm... Engaged and a soon to be father?!" Adam had said and took the book from Mitch's hands.

He had looked over the page with tears welling in his eyes.

"I'm second in line for a throne. I'm a... I'm a year away from being a prince." Sky had then smiled.

"IM GOING TO BE ROYALTY!!!" Sky had yelled.

Mitch took the book back and turned the page.

"Ty, your parents are a... are a... Herbird family? What the fuck is a Herbird?"

"It says Hybrid, Mitch." Jerome had corrected the confused boy.

"Your parents are... YOUR PARENT ARE DRAGONS?!?!?!" Mitch had yelled and Ty took the book from his hands and looked over the page and then frowned.

"I'll be royalty..." Ty had said and Sky smiled.

"I'll be a prince of destruction..." Ty had said. "I'm supposed to be royalty right now..."

"My parents are in jail. My mom is in jail for child abuse and my father is in jail for theft." Ty had said and tears welled in his eyes.

"I've got a girlfriend... That seems to be the only good thing." Ty had said.

Everyone had went on, talking about their pasts.

They had decided to skip Ally's.

"No, lets not skip hers." Sky had said and took the book from Mitch.

"AllyCat is 19 and her real name is Allyson. Her full name is Allyson Elizabeth-Mae Skylar Scileppi." Sky had said. "Damn.. her name is long."

"She had two sisters and lives in a... in a... not going to say... She moved in with Sub after a while... Blah blah blah... She plays instruments for as long as she can remember... she worked with... me and Sparklez." He had said and his finger skimmed over the page. "She's... Uh... Meant to be free? What the hell does that mean?"

Bashur took the book from Sky and skimmed over it.

"Meant to be free is a really old term. It's like, freeing a soul or something, y'know?" Bashur had said and skimmed the page again and then Bodil had stolen it from him.

Bodil had flipped to the very back.

"Glitch'e is in here..." Bodil had said and they all gathered around him.

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