Chapter Forty-Two: Last One Alive

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Chapter Forty Two: Last One Alive

Jerome felt his head slam against the ground when he opened his eyes.

"Jerome!" His name was suddenly yelled out, which made his inner Axemen jump up.

He kicked the figure above him off of himself.

He jump up, feeling suddenly heavier then usual. He looked around, something tickling against his lips and fingers. He had no idea what this was, and he didn't see the tan of his skin as he looked at his hands.

There were... paws. Paws with brown fur all over them. He didn't have... clothes on but the fur seemed to be clothes itself.

The fur was bushy and heavy, but also warm and comforting.

Jerome looked around, seeing other cages with staring figures.

(Here comes the best part!!)

"Jerome!" That voice, it was so familiar. "Jerome! It's Mitch!"

Mitch... The name of his best friend.

"Mitch!" He yelled out, running but slamming against the bars of cage.

He knew the feeling of his cage, the feeling of the atmosphere.

The sadness made him cower back, the new short tail touching his side as his small ears lowered.

He heard everything around him, and he could smell everything.

The smells of once dead people all around him.

Quentin was to his left, and he was writing on the ground like nothing was wrong.

Mango was talking to someone in the cage next to her, which was Simon. Bodil was across from Simon, and was chatting with Tyler and Ashley.

Sky was crying and screaming, seemingly having another panic attack.

Sky... Couldn't see. He couldn't see anything.

His vision was filled with black, purple and yellow dots. He could see the outlines of people all around him, like dead teammates. They surrounded by purple and filled in with yellow, and everything else was black.

"Hello!" A voice sounded out from the cages.

Jerome looked over, seeing brown haired figure waving at him.

SSundee was waving at him, smiling brightly and jumping around.

"Hi Jerome!" He called out, walking to the side of his cage and smiling at the furry man who just fell to his knees, smiling.

His friends, the people he all remembered were all around him acting like nothing was wrong.


Jerome shot up off the ground, looking around.

The temperature was still randomly changing, and his head was still pounding. His hands hurt so badly, and when he went to go pick up Sky, he paused when he saw a braided belt like thing around his torso.

Wasn't that?

"It's mine, silly!" A voice yelled from besides him.

He looked up, seeing the purple haired girl he hasn't seen in his dream.

What was he name again?

CupVake? Cup something... He screamed, leaning back in his hands which then stung terribly.

"Both your arms are broken, silly little Baka." The purple haired girl said.

He remembered this person, the girl's looks were different then he last remembered, not looking like they used to be....

He was, so confused.

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