Chapter Twenty-Five: Too Much Makeup

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Chapter Twenty-Five
Too Much Makeup


As the dragon had hit Ashley's chest, she hadn't had a clue what had hit her.

She couldn't see at all.

The dragon had growled loudly, thinking Ashley was the one that had kicked her.

The Dragon's teeth had sunk deep into Ashley's neck until, POP! Ashley's head was clean off her bloodied body.

No one had spoken when it had happened and Glicth'e had held Ashley's head with the cofindence of Medussa's slayer.

3 deaths and 2 exucutions had come with it. Not the best day to be living, right? They were lucky they could walk and even talk. But the day wasnt over yet and it probably never would be over, considering everyone had wanted a fate, and they had wanted the fate to end in the shool.

In their very own, School of murder.


A/N: I know, i barely ever do chapters this short or even write ANs but, the time had come...


The book shall live on!!!!!!!! Im glad you guys had gotten this far, consdering I am a crappy writer/artist but, thanks for all the support and I love all of you guys!!!! *fangirl squeal*

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