Chapter Twelve: Such Animals

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Chapter Twelve
Such Animals

The 17 students had stood silently in the main room, except for Husky who wouldn't shut his trap.

"Ok, I will duct tape your mouth shut." Sky had enough of Husky's blabbering.

Sub had looked around, smiling awkwardly like he had known something.

Mango and Ashley had been the same but Seto had, still, been actin like a complete and utter idiot.

"I'm bored..." Sky had said, setting his head on the table.

"We should head to the library, see if there is anything important." Gold had said and the group had gone off, looking for the library.

They had found the library and all stepped in to see Glitch'e pulling books with English titles on them off of the shelves.

"Hey!" Mitch had yelled and waved his arms in the air.

Glitch'e had looked over at the group of students then softened.

"No English for you!" Glitch'e had said and then disappeared but dropped a book on the ground.

Jerome had pushed people away and jumped down by the book, swinging it open and looking over it.

"What the hell..." Jerome had said and kept his eyes on the book, flipping the pages.

Mitch had then walked over and looked over Jerome's shoulder. He then took the book from Jerome's hands and looked over it.

"This... this is impossible." Mitch had said and then they all had started walking to the main room and they all sat at the same table.

Mitch had skimmed his finger over the pages, his expression changing wildly.

"I'll read it out..." Mitch had said.

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