Chapter Forty: Panic Attack

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Chapter Forty: Panic Attack

Sky backed up, slamming against the wall to see the pale hands waving in front of his face.

"SUB?! What the fuck?!" Sky yelled in tears as Jerome broke down the door, his bacca hat sliding down and onto the floor.

Sub was coated in blood, the bright pink substance running down his cheek as hands.

"I did this so you guys could escape, find the ending on your own! Sky, bring back Ty and Mitch, they'll help you out!" Sub yelled in the crying man's face, instantly catching the attention of the male in the doorway.

"Where's Seto?! Did you kill him too, you psychopath!" Sky yelled, pushing the eyeless boy's face back and making him fall to the ground.

Sky was sobbing hysterically, gripping at his hair and face. He caused the pink substance to fall from his own forehead, the colour frightening him and making him run into the man at the door.

He wrapped his arms around the taller and muscular male, scream-sobbing. Jerome hugged back, glancing at Sub to see him talking to himself. Maybe, Sub had really gone insane. He had this look of depression yet excitement on his eyeless face, making him seem creepier then death itself.

Jerome softly looked back into the hallway, smelling a scent he didn't know all too well yet he recognized it.

"We have to get somewhere safe, now." Jerome said, grabbing Sky's shoulder and dragging him down the hallway.

Sky picked up the hat that belonged to Jerome, quickly slapping it onto the boy's head as he was dragged.

"The... smell. It's everywhere." He mumbled, turning to look at all the paintings and furniture. "It's fucking everywhere!"

"What?! Wh-what are you talking about?!"

"I'll tell you when we're safe." Jerome said, lifting his head as he then started running.

Sky tripped and fell, but was being dragged either way. He felt the rug burns against his other arm, but he also felt weak and powerless.

His mind pounded as he felt everything stop. Sky started coughing, and Jerome stopped and turned.

"Sky, what wrong?" He asked loudly, but all Sky heard was ringing.

His feet felt like they were in sand, and he felt like his body was water. He felt cold, lifeless even and then it started.

He screamed out, gripping his hair and panting loudly while Jerome panicked.

He didn't know what was happening, but he had a slight guess.

Maybe, Sky was having a stroke or seizure? But Jerome knew that wasn't right.

Maybe a panic attack? Yeah, a panic attack.

"Sky! Sky!" He yelled, shaking the smaller boy's shoulder.

Sky threw his hand off, turning his back to him and screaming. He felt like a child, a child that knew the car was barreling towards him.

His chest hurt, his heart pounded, his stomach burned and he felt like throwing up. He was drooling from what Jerome saw, and the poor boy was twitching.

"G-get me o-o-out of here." Jerome heard Sky mumbled before Sky fell over, his hands locked deep in his long hair

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