Chapter one: Floating Purple Cape

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Chapter One
Floating Purple Cape

Ty had woken up with a groan, lifting his head off of the cold wooden desk. He stood up, yawning. He couldn't waste his precious time in a place that he hadn't known!

He started walking out of the room to bump into a girl with blonde hair.

The girl's black glasses went flying a different direction and the boy she was guiding around had toppled over.

"Oh, I'm so sorry." Ty says, handing the blonde girl her glasses.

"Oh, it's fine." She says and helps up the boy.

Ty flinched, noticing his eyes. Or, his lack of them.

"Oh, I'm Allycat." The girl says. "And this is Sub."

"I'm Deadlox. Just call me Ty." Ty replies.

"We better get going, before who knows what takes our faces." Allycat said and giggled as they start walking, Allycat helping Sub walk.

The three started walking, joining up a boy with a watermelon helmet, which they thought should've been rotting. They had found out his name was Simon.

They had all walked to the main hall because of a note that Sub had taped to where his eyes would be.

They had walked and walked for a while. Allycat had been there to guide around Sub as they stayed silent.

"Why are we here?" Sub asked suddenly.

"I guess it's like, a coincidence." Simon said with a shrug of his shoulders.

"We'll see if anyone else is here first though." Allycat said and kept her arm around Sub's shoulders to help guide him around.

They had reached a door, Simon pulling it open because of his raging strength.

Other people stood, their attention turning towards the 4.

"The last four!" A girl with pink hair had yelled, a guy with sunglasses and a purple amulet pulled Ty and Allycat, Allycat having a good grip of Sub, towards everyone else as Simon scowled at anyone who came towards him.

"Welcome my 20 candidates!" A voice boomed and the 20 looked towards the stage.

A floating purple cape was all that was on the stage. The cape moved as the invisible person had lifted their arms.

"Welcome!" It repeated. "I'm your teacher, Glitch'e gaming!" (This is an actual YouTuber, watching him all the time.)

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