Chapter Thirty Two: Fresh Smell of Crimson

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Chapter Thirty-Two
Fresh Smell of Crimson

The new Sub had been standing behind the whole group of people, who were all looking at him.

His already red eyes gleamed with red and green from an imaginary light.

Once the group moved, everyone paused.

Both girls were laying on the ground and neither of them moved until Mango started a coughing fit and supported herself up on her elbows.

"What the hell, D!" The red eyed enderman yelled at the Orange eyed enderman who was now gripping a broken table leg.

"I-I-it tried t-to t-t-t-touch me." 'D' said, huffing.

Sky and sat down next to Mango and so did some of the others, trying to help her up and stop her coughing fit.

Seto was the second one to part from the group and head over to Ally.

The first was the new Sub.

The NewSub's pale hand laid softly on Ally's forehead.

Seto had looked at the frozen-in-place girl.

Her face was flushed red and a purple bruise was already forming on her forehead along with a fresh cut with small splinters in it.

That was when the two realized something.

She had died a second time and the new scent was drifting in the hallway.

The scent of Fresh Crimson.

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