Chapter Thirty-Six: Obstacle Course: Tyler or MunchingBrotato

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Chapter Thirty-Six
Obstacle Course: Tyler or MunchingBrotato

Mango sighed as she glanced around the group of 8 and one hologram.

"I'm getting bored of you guys not killing each other. Oh! I got an idea!" Glitch'e said.

"I'll use your fears against you." He said and rubbed his hands together.

Glitch'e told the group to follow him and they did as he said.

First, Glitch'e arrived at a set of stairs and shot a smug look at Munching, who hesitated on the stairs.

He put one foot on the stairs and then bolted up the stairs, looking upwards with his eyes closed.

He was the first to make it on the top of the stairs and then the group was separated from Glitch'e and Tyler.

Suddenly, they were all in a room with an obstacle course in front of them.

Tyler was behind the glass with the obstacle course before him.

"Welcome everyone to the game of Fear!" Glitch'e's voice echoed loudly.

"First off, we have Tyler facing, his only fear, Bathmophobia!"

A set of stairs appeared and they had a dim light showing down them.

"Face your fears or don't. Your choice." Glitch'e said.

Tyler set a single foot on the stairs and then back up, denying to face his fear.

"Oh well."

The ground disappeared and with that, it took Tyler.

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