Chapter Twenty-Eight: Grey Eyes to Grey Blood

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Chapter Twenty Eight
Grey Eyes to Grey Blood

Sky had opened the doors to Jordan's room to see tall, glass containers containing eight different, tall enderman.

"Hey! Get out!" Glitch'e had yelled and pushed the group out and closed the door.

"You saw nothing." He had said and pushed the group away from the room.

Jordan was mumbling random words and letters from behind the door and they could here the clinking of glass.

Something in the room shattered and Jordan screamed loudly.

"DEFECTIVE!!" He had yelled and then there was whimpering.

Glitch'e had peered inside and the three had done also.

A grey eyed enderman sat on the floor, looking sad.

"You sit on your punk ass behind and don't move." Jordan had said, the venom in his voice practically visible.

The grey eyed enderman had obediently listened to the song writer.

Glitch'e had wowed and then noticed the others looking in. He slammed the door on them and then Jordan's yelling started up again.

"SIT YOIR PUNK ASS DOWN!" He yelled and then there was loud, child like crying.

"I GOD DAMN CREATED YOU! SHUT THE HELL UP O-" His screaming was cut out by a loud slam, and Glitch'e swung open the door.

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