Chapter Thirty-Eight: Suffering is all I Could do

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Chapter Thirty-Eight:
Suffering is all I Could do

Glitch'e clapped his hands in enjoyment.

"So, motivation has been set. Murder someone and two come back." Glitch'e had smiled brightly, the lights in the room flickering on.

Sky was haunched over, throwing up as Ty patted his back.

People were crying, shaking, sobbing and talking to themselves.

Sub and Seto stood by each other, talking to each other. They were trying to calm down, but Seto couldn't stop crying.

Jerome stood by himself, unmoving with his hand clenched into fists. His eyes were narrowed and he was slouching ever so slightly.

People looked up, watching as his fist connected with the glass wall. It hadn't made a single dent, unless Jerome's fist had counted.

His fist was now dripping blood from major... burns? How could he have gotten burns? He held his hand to his chest, crying as he fell to his knees and started sobbing.

He repeated the name of his now long lost friend, over an over until his teeth were bleeding from his tongue rubbing against them so much. He felt so much rage, but he couldn't explain what this felt like. He could only explain it in his sorrowful tears.

Now he knew what they meant, losing someone is the worst possible thing.

Seto lost Gold, Simon lost Bodil, Mitch lost Ashley, and now Jerome lost Mitch.

He hated the feeling that swelled inside him, a feeling he didn't understand and a feeling he couldn't control.

He wanted everyone to feel like he did now, like an embodiment of rage and sadness.

He knew a few people that hadn't lost, and he wanted them to suffer now. He wanted them gone, gone from life and to force them to suffer without someone they loved.

But who was to go?

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