Chapter Eleven: Flu Season

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Chapter Eleven
Flu Season

The group of 15 students had sat in the main room, Sub bouncing around in an unusually happy mood, Jason shunning everyone that came towards him, Seto cursing and acting like an idiot and Mango was screaming curse words into thin air.

"Hey. Where's Ashley and Husky?" Gold had asked.

Husky had walked in and then started talking like a crazy person, talking loudly and about nothing important.

Ashley, on the other hand, could be heard from the hallway, stomping around angrily and punching and kicking the walls.

"What's happening?" Ty had asked.

"Funny you had finally as-" Glitch'e was then cursed at by Mango and Sub put a lei around his neck.

"What the actual fuck?" Glitch'e had said and looked at the crazed students.

"Ok..." Glitch'e sounded unsure. "If you haven't noticed, it's flu season. And that means only one thing."

"What is this one thing, assh-" Mango was cut off by Husky.

"Have you seen the fabulous new paintings on the walls and the new decore in all the rooms and how the bathrooms now have tile flooring and how the kitchen is a lot bigger and that there are stairs going to the second floor in the house and I found these cute little red and white balls with animals in then and I lost them and now they are roaming around and how this room is a lot more cleaner and the stage has instruments on it and-" Husky had began. Only just began.

"SHUT UP YOU ASS FUCK!!!" Mango had yelled.

"Well, as I was saying, it's Flu Season and that had brought you down with the Switcharoo Flu!" Glitch'e had said.

"Sooner or later, it will kill everyone who had it, the only cure is murder." Glitch'e had said and then there was a crash.

Seto was on the stage, knocking over instruments like a toddler.

"Seto! You fucking ass!" Mango had yelled and Ashley stomped to the stage and slapped Seto.

"Be quiet!" She had yelled at the sorcerer. "God..."

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