Chapter Forty-One: We Need to Get Out

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Chapter Forty-One: We Need to Get Out

Jerome picked up Sky, holding the passed out budder loving boy over his shoulder.

He ran down the halls, avoiding the smell that filled his nose and made his heart beat fast.

He turned, his head meeting a wall. He staggered, but gained his balance.

He looked at the photo, remembering it. He swung the picture open, seeing the same red button. He slammed his fist against it repeatedly, it making a click sound.

He felt his head spin, and saw the dots of black in his vision but he tried to push away the sleepiness he felt.

He then started feeling hot, he looked around, feeling his heart beat and sweat starting to run down his cheeks.

He didn't know what was happening now, the smell of what he smelt before was now invading his thoughts and nose.

He swung around, glancing around as his vision blurred and his knees started shaking.

"Seto?! Seto?!" He called out, his hand gliding around the wall as he screamed.

His hand glided over something metal, and he picked whatever it was up.

It was a metal statue of someone he vaguely remembered, but couldn't seem to have the right name.

He put his hand over his mouth, his other one now holding Sky. He coughed at the smell, his sharp teeth chattering as the temperature suddenly changed.

It changed back and forth, sweating heat then freezing cold. He shook either way or, and sometimes would almost drop Sky.

His knees shook, his arms gave out as well as his legs.

Sky fell besides him before he fell himself, his head pounding as he attempted to sit up. A black shoe kicked him in the spine.

"Die already!" A female voice yelled at him as he squeaked out. His hands were suddenly smashed as he felt the bones crack in them.

He didn't know what was crushing his hands, or who. He just knew they weren't any of the live players. His vision blurred worse, and the black spots started invading his vision again.

"And, boom."


Sorry about the short chapter, but something major happened in this chapter.


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