Chapter Twenty-Four: Too Much Make-Up

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Chapter Twenty-Four
Too Much Make-Up

Ashley had then looked at where Bodil's body had landed and then her smile faded.

She had tried to run towards him, only to have a wall cover up the side.

The ground under the group had then shifted, making the floor face the wall on the side Ashley was on.


A mirror had then been placed in front of Ashley and a chair had tripped her, making her fall on to the chair, facing the mirror.

Her wrists were chained to the arm rests and her ankles were chained to the legs of the chair.

A table had then appeared in front of Ashley, many random things sat on the table.

Poisons, potions, broken portal pieces and clear liquids all sat in their own, individual containers.

A metal, robotic hand that was connected to a metal robotic arm had popped out of the ground from the left side of the table, and a second from the right side.

One of them had picked up a container with a green, glowing liquid.

The hand had put it on some weird type of glove and then the hand had lathered it in Ashley's hair.

The second the liquid made contact with Ashley's hair, chunks of it had fallen out until all of it was gone.

The right hand had picked up a thick fluffy brush, one that was normally used for blush.

It had opened a container with a chalky, purple substance and mixed it around.

The hand had pulled out the brush and dusted the chalky substance on Ashley's right cheek.

Her screams were loud as her cheek had started melting, as if someone had put lava on her face or had lit it on fire.

The left had had then taken a small brush, one used for eyeshadow and dipped it in a dripping, black substance. The substance had the look of a galaxy, the galaxy look the End Portal had.

It had dusted it on Ashley's left eyelid.

It had made a weird sound as her left cheek, eye and eyelid were pulled inside of the substance with force.

Ashley's screams were even louder, as if they were trains stopping swiftly on a track that was connected to a microphone and then the speaker to it was bigger then three trains stacked up and was on top volume.

The right hand had then took some of the pink blood that was dripping down Ashley's face and then mixed it with a purple substance with blue and red spots.

The concoction had made the substance bright blue and in small, crystal balls.

The right had had picked up a lot of them and then waited until Glitch'e had appeared and then handed them to him.

When they made contact with Glitch'e's hands, they had turned all different colors and had grown two inches in size.

Glitch'e had picked up at red one and then threw it down and it hit by Ashley's feet, exploding into a red dust.

Glitch'e had continued, throwing them by her feet and had the edges of the arm rest until he had the last one, the only one that resembled the end portal.

He had looked up and thrown it towards the ceiling and watched as an enderman, with a small egg, had fallen out.

The egg had hatched quickly, the purplish goo sticking to its body and the egg.

The dragon had resembled the EnderDragon, except for its lack of eyes.

The dragon had stumbled towards Glitch'e's feet but Glitch'e had kicked it away, sending the creature to hit Ashley's chest.


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