Chapter Four: Sub's Story about the Warrior

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Chapter Four
Sub's Story about the Warrior.

The other's had all followed to listen Sub's story. The 19 students were all in the library but Sub had only sensed 11 of them.

"Once upon a time." Sub had started. "There was a poor man. The poor man's name was Hiptus. He lived in a kingdom, poor and helpless. His wife had left, taking his children with her."

Sub was cut off by Ashley.

"This is a sad story, Sub." She had said.

"Just wait." Sub had said. "Hiptus wasn't happy with his life. One day, the king had come with a story, coming to Hiptus about it, asking him if he had known."

Sub had paused, trying to recall the story.

"Hiptus was the only man in town that the king hadn't asked. The king wasn't suspecting such a low lifed, middle aged man to know the story, as if it was a 1+1 question to a 9th grader." Sub was now petting Allycat's head as she had almost fallen asleep.

"Hiptus had been able to understand the simple story about the Wizard and his Daughter." Sub has then been interrupted.

"What's the story?" Seto had asked.

"I don't know what the story was. Like I said, Hiptus was the only one to understand." Sub had said back.

"Well, the king has found Hiptus' knowledge something he had needed. Hiptus was invited to live in the castle, alongside the king's daughter. Hiptus has fallen deeply in love with the princess but the princess has shunned him." Sub said.

"The princess was a beautiful young girl, not much younger then the 27 year old Hiptus. She had luscious blonde hair." Sub was now playing with Allycat's long hair. "She had beautiful lilac eyes and slim arms and legs."

Sub had looked like he was looking at AllyCat, if he actually had eyes.

"Hiptus had been the average man, normal brown hair and green eyes. But, to the point. Hiptus had always talked to the princess and earned her and the queen's trust." Sub had stated.

"Average man?" Mitch had asked. "Being poor doesn't sound like the average man."

"Don't interrupt Sub." Ty had said and hit Mitch's arm.

"Hiptus had become a warrior of the mighty king, winning 2 wars for the king. The 3rd, Hiptus had been not so lucky. He had turned against the king and queen, stealing the young princess and holding her against her will on a boat, in the middle of the ocean, alone with then young girl."

"The king had found Hiptus on the empty boat, the princess gone. The king had questioned Hiptus only to find Hiptus had drowned with his eyes open. The princess had been stolen and Hiptus had been dead." Sub had paused, moving some brown hair out of his face.

"The king had wanted his princess, and best warrior, back. He had asked a mighty lady, named Jhimupt. Jhimupt had been a loyal wizard. She had brought the beaten princess back, and revived Hiptus. But, that had always come with a price."

"The Wizard had to erase the princess' memory and Hiptus had a choice. Either his mouth or eyes."

Sub had paused and you could hear him sniffle.

"Hiptus wanted to be able to speak and yell. He had chosen to loose his eyes, thinking eyesight was useless. He had been down graded from being a warrior, the king had turned on him, the princess had hated him because of his lack of the eye. The kingdom had shunned him completely. " Sub had, yet again, been interrupted.

"Like you Sub. His lack of eyes?" GoldSolace had asked, looking at Sub.

Sub had nodded and continued.

"His eldest son, Ghinus, had come to help his father. Ghinus, only being 10, didn't know how to help his blind father. He had felt horrid. He went to Jhimupt and asked and pleaded for her help. She had agreed, taking Ghinus' eyes. Ghinus' yellow eyes had shined brightly on his father. His father had been able to marry the princes." Sub sighed.

"Ghinus had married a blind girl, she didn't notice his lack of eyes. Throughout his family, they only had one eye, no eyes or permanent blindness."

"I, myself, have sadly been down that line. My mother is blind and my father is also." Sub had then let the sleeping AllyCat lay her head in his lap.

"What is this supposed to tell us?" Mango had asked.

"This conversation is over." Glitch'e had appeared from nowhere, ending the conversation. "No more telling stories about stupid warriors and blind wives."

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