Chapter Forty-Three: Boom

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Chapter Forty-Three: Boom

She leaned down, nose to nose with Jerome.

"You know, you're the last one alive, right?" She asked, bopping his nose with her own.

"Wh-what?! What do you mean?!"

"I mean, I killed your friends!" She said, smiling.

"The person that killed me actually wanted you all to live, so then I killed all of you!" She said, smiling. "Well, you're the last one."

"Why?" He asked, looking around to see no Adam. "Why did I smell gun powder before?"

"I'm blowing up his beloved castle!" She said, jumping up on one foot and clapping her hands.

"Then-then get me out of here!" He yelled out.

"You have five minutes to find a safe room where the gun powder doesn't reach. Go now!" She yelled out, holding up five fingers.

She pulled up the boy, earning a pained screech from him.

"Go now!" She yelled excitedly, pushing him.

Jerome still barely could see. He could hear and smell better though.

He did feel heavy, like in his dream but hadn't had the chance to look at himself.

He ran up the stairs, tripping and falling on his broken arms.

"Shit!" He screamed out, rolling onto his back and bringing his swollen, black and blue arms to his chest.

He pushed himself up the stairs with his feet, and managed to stand. He looked around, smelling the area around him.

The bathroom, the bathroom was his safe room.

He ran for it, using his armpit to open the door. The sword was still in the bathtub, along with something else. The book, the book where they learned about themselves.

He yanked the book out of the empty bath with his teeth and then pulled out the sword with his teeth. He flipped the book open with the sword he held in his mouth.

"1 minute!" He heard her yell from downstairs and his mind instantly told him to hurry up with the book.

He had no idea why, but he did anyways. He didn't know what he was looking for, but his mind was telling him he'd know when he saw it.

He then paused when he saw a girl on the page. Her purple hair was to her hips and she looked like part of a safari.

He was panting now, and dropped the sword out of his mouth.

He read over the page quickly, and then saw what his mind told him he was looking for.

'She had died November 28, 3013. She was slammed against a wall with enough force to break her spine.'

That was what he was looking for, and he didn't know why.

He looked up, his mind hazy as he heard the girl on the floor below starting to laugh.

"Your time is up! I hope you found the right spot!" She yelled out and it was followed up by a laugh.

Then he heard a loud, deafening boom and he let out a scream.

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