Chapter Sixteen: Was that Considered a Murder?

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Chapter Sixteen
Was that Considered a Murder

Seto had stayed in his room, mumbling to himself.

The others had returned to normal but just one. Seto was the one that hadn't changed since the incident. He wasn't stupid at all, he just wasn't his cheerful self any more.

Seto didn't care what happened. He left his door open at night just to be killed. He sat vulnerably on the counter in the kitchen, right by the knives but no one had fulfilled his wish. No one.

People were getting the hints Seto was giving but no one had took the chance, no one.

Seto was the slightest bit angry but wanted the job done, he wanted to be killed.

He had walked to the Library alone and as he did, people were looking out of their rooms to watch him, making sure he wasn't taking a trip to kill someone.

Seto had passed the library and continued walking and them started walking up the stairs at the end of the hallway and kept walking, and walking, and walking.

When Seto had gotten upstairs and turned around, he had screamed loudly before he had falling backwards, fainting.

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