Chapter Ten: Just the Start

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Chapter Ten
Just the Start

Jason had been woken up from a knock on the door.

"What..." Jason had mumbled.

"Hey. It's me. Sky." Jason had heard Sky's voice.

"And Mitch."

"And Jerome."

"And Bodil."

"And Ty." Their individual voices had sounded.

"Ok... I'm coming." Jason had opened the door.

Jason had opened the door to see them all their and stepped out. Taking off his helmet and setting it on the floor.

"What do you need?" Jason had asked.

"There's a second floor now." Bodil had said.

"There's Parkour and a battle Arena." Sky had smiled.

Jason slammed the door shut and laid back on his bed.

"I'm not going." Jason has said.

"Ok. Have fun." Mitch had said and Jason had heard their footsteps disappear.

"What's going on with Jason?" Jerome asked. "He's been fine for the past week, and now he's such a downer."

Glitch'e had fun listening to their confused conversation. He was trying a new trick, and already one person had taken a dosage of the trick.

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