Chapter Seven: Young Swedish Girl

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Chapter Seven
Young, Swedish Girl

"SHE HAS A PULSE AND YOU DIDNT TELL ME!!!" Sub had yelled as shoved Seto out of the way.

"Ally, Ally, can you hear me?" Sub had asked the girl.

"I-I-I-" Her voice was messed up and she coughed up some blood.

"Wh-who did this?" Sub had asked the girl.

"A-a-all I remember we-we-were gl-glasses and Wh-" Her voice faded, eyes still struck with fear.

The group inside had watched as both Sky and Jason had stuffed things in their pockets as the announcement had went off.

"Inside the elevator by the main room. If your not there in 5 minutes, your dead."

The group had rushed towards the elevator, the door almost closing on Sub's arm because he was walking slowly.

Everyone had parted like the sea for Sub to walk into the corner, his face in the corner as he rubbed some blood off of his cheek.

Husky had to carry Sub out of the elevator when the doors had opened.

Once they were in the room, Gold had guided Sub to his pedestal.

"So, what have we found out?" Glitch'e had said, his elbow on his leg with his hand on his cheek.

Sky had taken a few items out of his pockets, spreading them over his pedestal.

Jason had set a long stick with strings on it in the top of his pedestal.

"Ooo. What are these?" Glitch'e had asked.

"Don't talk, invisible midget." Sky had said and picked up Ally's missing purple glove.

"Ah. Her missing glove." Seto had said. "It's clean. It doesn't have any blood on it."

"Neither do the socks." Sky said and picked up the socks. "But they are ripped."

"Her jacket was shredded, so we couldn't take it with us." Ashley had said.

"What's that?" Husky has asked Jason.

"It's a violin bow." Jason said. "It's drenched in blood."

"Why?" Simon had asked and Jason had shrugged.

"She didn't look like she was damaged from the bow except for her arm and eye." Bashur had said.

"Here." Sky had thrown a book across the room to Seto and Seto had opened it.

"It's in Swedish." Seto had said. "I don't speak Swedish."

"Ally's from Sweden. Swedish is her main language." Sub had said.

"She's Swedish. She must've been able to read this." Mango had said and took the book from Seto that was seated next to her.

"Wait, if I'm a singer and Sparklez is a song writer, we might know Swedish." Sky had said and Mango had tossed the book at him.

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