Chapter Twenty-Three: The Execution to Land on Feet

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Chapter Twenty-Three
The Execution to Land on Feet

The group had been on the outside of the enclosed area.

The only two people inside were both smiling.


Bodil was hanging upside down from the ceiling, his face slowly turning purple from all the blood rushing to his head. His arms were dangling and the only thing supporting him on the ceiling was one thin chain that was around his right foot.

His eyes had never left Sky's eyes. Sky had looked frightened, looking anywhere but Bodil.

Bodil's eyes had drifted, looking at all the people individually. His face was pure purple.

The pink blood had dripped down the side of his mouth, traveling along his face and then splashing against the ground.

Bodil still had a cheesy smile on his face.

Bodil's eyes then filled with fear. He knew it was coming and he didn't have to act so... unlike himself.

He had then struggled, trying to keep his head up.

He then started gasping for air.

The struggling had put stress on the chains that hung his right foot and as fast as anyone could say the letter 't' the chain had snapped and a loud snap was heard as Bodil had hit the ground.

So close to almost landing on his feet.

He had landed on his back, the blood pooling around his back as his eyes started straight at the ceiling, not once leaving the pitch black surface.

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