Chapter Six: What did you do?...

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Chapter Six
What did you do?...

The crowd had gasped, looking at what Sub was standing in front of.

A book shelf was pushed in front of the door, her body nailed to it.

"S-sub. C-come here." Sky had stuttered, pulling Sub's arm.

"Where is she?" Sub had tilted his head up at Sky, asking him the question.

"Let's just say, she's never coming back." Sky had said.

"She's dead, blindie." Glitch'e had said. "She's been killed, have fun with that, Sub."

"She can't be!" Sub had said and reached for Glitch'e. "YOU MADE THIS HAPPEN!!!!!"

"WHAT DID I SAY ABOUT TOUCHING ME!!!!!!!" Glitch'e had yelled, throwing Sub hard down the long hallway only to have him be stopped when he had hit someone.

The person's blonde hair had been tousled and their clothes messed up.

"Gold. It's just Gold." Seto had said angrily.

"Wh- AAAHHHH!" Gold had yelled and shielded his face.

Sub had started making crying sounds, the whole group feeling horrible.

"B-bring her b-back." Sub had whimpered.

"Investigate before I leave you in the trial room with no evidence." Glitch'e had then disappeared, leaving the 18 students to stare at the dead body.

Sky had to push the shelf with the help of Simon and Jerome.

The shelf was moved and some people almost threw up.

There was blood everywhere. Shelves of books were knock over and books were scattered.

Seto had looked at the body while the others investigated the library. Sub had stayed with Seto to 'stay' with Ally.

"She's missing her socks, a glove, her jacket, her bottom row of teeth and some of her upper teeth." Seto had said and some people looked over.

"Why is she missing teeth?" Mango had asked.

"The killer must've tried to pull out her braces because she probably tried to bite them." Seto had said and Sub had nodded softly.

"Hey, Sub, do you know anything?" Ashley had asked softly and gently.

Sub had nodded softly and everyone looked over.

"Can you tell us what you know?" Ashley had asked.

"We-well, Ally had t-told me sh-she has f-found a sa-safe room in th-the library, an-and that sh-she was g-g-going to sp-spend the n-night in it." Sub had whimpered out.

"Ah. I see." Seto had said and pushed her head to the side. "Wait."

Everyone had stopped.

"She has a pulse."

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