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"Mads make me cookies." Michael yelled from the living room. It's been about a week since we moved in and everyone wanted to hang out at the apartment since we have officially finished getting settled in.

We spent a lot of money making it more us rather than just plain and boring. Calum came with me but it was mostly me deciding what to put in the house since every time I'd ask him about something he would say 'babe do whatever you want' or something of the sort.

I made sure to put tons of pictures on the walls that we both had. Some were of him and his family and some were of me and mine, then we had our pictures together and some with all of our friends. I also bought a couple of random paintings and plants and a couple of rugs that I thought would look good too. Overall I was happy with how this place turned out, it wasn't boring and it felt more like home.

"Why do I have to make you cookies?" I asked and walked in the living room to see the four boys sitting next to each other on the couch playing video games. They were all sitting with there elbows on their knees and their eyes glued to the screen with a concentrated look on their face.

"Because we want cookies and you make good cookies." He said and then got mad because Luke had killed him in one of their random games that never made sense to me.

"That's your guy's excuse for everything." I said and put my hands on my hips even though they weren't paying attention to me at all.

"Because it's true." They all said at the same time.

"I'm not making you cookies." I said and sat on the couch next to Ashton since that was like the only spot left.

"Come on please?" Ashton begged and gave me puppy dog eyes.

"You aren't eating cookies for lunch." I said firmly. It was times like these where I really felt like their mother, and that made me feel ready to actually be a real mother because these four were a handful.

"We're adults we can eat whatever we want for lunch." Luke said and stood up to change the disk in the Xbox.

"Okay, so since you're adults you can make your own food instead of making someone else do it." I stated making them roll their eyes.

"Madelyn pleaseee?" Calum begged and pouted his lips because he knew I couldn't resist that adorable ass pout.

"No." I stated and looked away from him.

"Babe." He said and slid down the couch next to me since Ashton had gotten up to get a drink.

"No." I said and looked him dead in the eyes.

"Baby. Sweetheart. My love. Honey. Darling." He said and took a hold of my hands and sat closer to me.

"I'm not making you cookies for lunch." I said with a laugh but couldn't help but find his begging adorable.

"Come on Calum be cuter and we'll win." Michael whispered from behind him as if I wasn't able to hear him.

"Bro I'm trying." He said and looked back at him for a second before giving me another pout.

"It's not going to work." I said firmly and stood up from the couch.

"Baby pleaseeee." He said and dropped to his knees and wrapped his arms around my legs which only made me laugh. However it was one of the most adorable things he's ever done, and it was beginning to get harder to say no to such a cute little thing.

"Calum you're being ridiculous." I said and moved his hair out of his face.

"Yes dude she isn't saying no anymore." Ashton encouraged as the three of them watched us intently, hoping that Calum would be able to help them get what they want.

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