Beck's Big Break

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Brittany's POV

I sat at lunch with Beck and Jade. Jade got stung by a bee not too long ago, so she's going be grumpy to everyone who talks to her. Which is only Me, Tori, Andre, Robbie, Beck, and sometimes Trina.

"Hey, sit." Beck motioned to Andre, and Tori as they pass by.

Jade groaned. "I don't want them sitting here." She grumbled.

Tori sat her food down, and took a seat. "You know, it's always great how your so open with your bitterness." She said sarcastically.

I smirked, and waved her off. "She's just grumpy, cause she got stung by a bee." I pointed out.

"See that?! Everyone but me! Come on, bees, what's a guy gotta do to get stung?!" Andre shouted to the insects.

I'm not even going to ask why he wants to get stung.

Beck pulled out his script pages, and began to read.

"Ooh, script pages?" Tori asked as she took them from Beck.

Beck was going to be in a movie with Melinda Murray. Melinda wasn't my favorite actor, or person overall. From what I've heard from people who has worked with her, she's a nightmare not work with. But, I was happy for Beck.

"Not for you." Beck said, taking the pages back

"You're auditioning for a play?" Tori asked.

"Sorta. It's a movie." Beck said.

"That's so great. What movie?" Tori asked.

"I'm taking for pickle." Jade said, taking Tori's pickle off her plate, and taking a bite.

"So... A movie?" Andre asked.

"It's called "Miss Fire." It's about this woman cop who gets fired, and goes on this crazy rampage." I explained.

"That's so cool. Who plays the woken cop?" Tori asked.

"Melinda Murray." I replied, uninterested.

"Shut up." Andre exclaimed shocked.

"You're gonna star with Melinda Murry in a movie?" Tori asked Beck.

"Well, I'll be waiter #1, and I'll only have 2 lines." Beck explained.

"So, where's the script? I wanna read it!" Tori said.

"You don't get the whole script, unless you get the part." I explained.

"They only give you a few pages to audition with." Beck added.

"Ow! I just got stung by a bee!" A girl cried from behind us.

"Oh! Her? Really?!" Andre yelled in disbelief, while looking up at the bees.

I walked up to Tori with Beck. He ended up getting the part in the movie. I couldn't be more happy for him, despite envying Melinda.

"Moring." Beck said.

"Oh, hey." Tori greeted us.

"You said you wanted to read the Miss Fire script?" Beck asked.

"Yeah, but I thought you said they don't give actors the whole script unless..." Tori trailed off, and realized he got the part, and she had the same reaction I did. "You got the part!"

"Shh. It's not that big a deal." Beck shushed.

"It's a huge deal. You're gonna be in a movie with Melinda's Murray, Congrats, dude." Tori said, nudging his shoulder.

"Thanks." Beck said, as he put the script back in his bag.

Tori held up a piccolo she had in her hands. "I say we celebrate... Piccolo Style." Tori held up the instrument, and started playing it horribly.

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