Robbie Sells Rex

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Brittany's POV

I sat beside Andre in the blackbox. Mason was giving an announcement at school today. I'm pretty sure it has something to do with kids who want to be in the music business. I love singing and performing, but, I want to be a really successful author.

"Good morning." Tori greeted with a cheerful smile.

"Hey." We responded in bored vocies.

"Um, I'd like to introduce our guest lecturer, my friend, the head of Neutronium Records, and the producer of the Platinum Music Awards: Mason Thornsmith." Tori announced. Everyone clapped as the rich businessman made his way to the front.

Mason's phone started to ring, and he pulled it out of his pocket.

"Oh, sorry, darling, got to take this," Mason excused, answering his phone. "Yeah, what is it?"

"Uh..." Tori trailed off as everyone stared at her, expecting her to say something. "Mason's gonna be teaching us about how much fun and how exciting the music business can be, and hopefully he'll-" She started to explain.

"What?! No! You tell him be better be in that recording session, or I'll have is fat head on a fork!" Mason yelled into his phone. "Where's- Oh Max, it's you. Yes, guess what, You're fired. Now go home and tell your pregnant wife!" He scolded, before hanging up his cell.

"I love that man." Jade said.

"He's sweet." Andre added.

"He's a'ight." I shrugged.

"Hello, kids." Mason greeted.

"Hi." We replied with smiles.

"So, Mason, what advice do you have for the students here at Hollywood Arts who are trying to break into the music business?" Tori asked.

"Well, I'd say, you know, if you work hard, stay focused... eh, who are we kidding? Prepare for your dreams to be crushed." Mason said.

"Questions?" Tori asked. Around 6 or 7 kids raised their hand. "Uhhh, hey, Robbie." She smiled.

Robbie stood up. "Hi. Robbie Shapiro. Class Treasurer. Sea food lover," He said. "Here at school, I'm known as quite the guitar player." He said.

"And quite the doff-bag." Rex added.

"Anyway... my guitar instructor says I'm excellent when it comes to picking." Robbie said.

"Especially his nose." Rex said.

"Rex!" Robbie said.

"Uh, atually, Robin." Mason said.

"Rob-ee." Robbie corrected.

"Never correct me," Mason said. "Uh, I would like to speak with you when we're all finished here." Mason told.




"I never knew Robbie liked sea food." Andre said.

"I've always known that." I nodded.

"Mr. Thornsmith..." Trina started as she got out of her seat knocking Robbie over in the process. "This is a collection... of my music, it's uh, called "Songs In The Key Of Trina." She said.

I took notice of the flour bomber running into the room. "Watch out!" I yelled.

"It's the flower bomber!" Tori yelled. The flour bomber flower bombed Trina, before running out of the room. I have been Flowerbomb five times already by that guy. I'm just glad it wasn't me this time.

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