Season 2: 4# The Conquerer

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Brad's POV

I was sleeping that night when I heard some whooshing noises. I thought it was nothing and went back to sleep but I kept hearing it. I woke up and looked around to find out who was behind it and I realised that it was Genghis. He just popped into my window and disappeared. I grabbed my jab and turned on my amulet to wake up everyone cuz we have a battle.

Connor: Brad, what was that for?

Brad: It's Genghis.

Connor: What?!

Brad: C'mon.

Connor and I went downstairs where everyone else is waiting for us. We sat down and started the meeting to make a battle plan for our battle between us and Genghis. That dark spirit might be a tough guy because in history, Genghis Khan is brutal.

Wendy: So how are we going to battle Genghis?

Brad: I have no idea. He was a very brutal Mongolian emperor and I dunno how to beat him.

Josh: Do you at least have a battle strategy?

Brad: Well, we do and it's useful for our previous battles but I'm not sure if it works on Genghis. I did some research on him and it says that he is the strongest dark spirit out of every single one.

Zach: Well, then we need the strongest heroes out of all of us. Like me, you, Harvey, Caleb, Jonah and Luke.

Jonah: But even if we're one of the strongest heroes, how are we going to really defeat him?

Brad: I know what to do. We have to head to the battlefield first.

Cooper: Where?

Zach: Near Cafe Beyond, let's go.

We ran out of the dorms to head to Cafe Beyond which is currently closed. We all tried to find Genghis before he surprised us. Like he wants to scare us or something.

Zach's POV

As soon as we arrived at Cafe Beyond, we didn't see Genghis at the moment. But after a few minutes, he just gave us a jump scare. Kinda like a surprise attack he did in the middle east and eastern Europe.

Genghis: I'm back.

Henry: That's the spirit we saw this afternoon.

Genghis: I bet you didn't miss me, Luke, Josh, Henry, Eddie, Cooper and Ryan.

Zach: He knows your names?

Brad: Dark spirits have good long-term memories, even better than the average human and light spirits. That means they have better memory than us.

Zach: Oh.

Ryan L: That's why Caligula, Genghis and other dark spirits are able to know us quite well. I thought it was because they're creepy.

Cooper: Same.

Genghis: Well, I'm going to conquer you little heroes anyways and all your blood will be spilt near the cafe.

Zach: I don't think so. Zodiac heroes... transform!

We all transformed into light spirits which made Genghis shocked. I think it's because we're the only team in the Zodiac college to transform into light spirits. Or maybe it's because we're the only team to not be based in Cambridge.

Genghis: What the? Wait a minute, you guys aren't the so-called Zodiac heroes, are you?

Kan: Erm... yeah. Why?

Genghis: You're all from Sydney, aren't you?

Ryan L: Sydney?

Zach: Long story. We need to focus on defeating Genghis.

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