Season 4: 6# Adenovirus

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Zach's POV

We all looked in shock when Brad discovered that the Lunatite actually has the adenovirus in it. That's why it's dangerous towards both light and dark spirits, there is a bunch of viruses living in there. And those with ongoing medical conditions are at risk.

Zach: Oh my goodness.

Cooper: This is not good.

Josh: That's why half of your stomach is cut off.

Cooper: 15%, not even half.

Ryan L: So that's why you've been really sick, the Lunatite has a virus.

Brad: And this virus is deadly. Well, deadly to light spirits who have ongoing medical conditions like cystic fibrosis but to others, it's just a normal flu.

Brandon: So if the adenovirus infects me, I'll temporarily lose my vision, entirely.

Brad: That's correct.

Josh: What if it infects me? I'm dyslexic.

Zach: Hello? I'm dyslexic too and it didn't hit me that hard because of that. Well, it did hit me hard because I have cystic fibrosis.

Brad: It wouldn't affect those with dyslexia or autism, they just have the flu and that's it.

Josh: Oh.

Zach: Never mind.

Wendy: No wonder why Lunatite is so dangerous.

Brad: I discovered it under a microscope.

I pressed a button on the projector to show where did I get the evidence from. It shows one of Zach's IV bags.

Brad: So, I discovered that the Lunatite contains the adenovirus from one of Zach's IV bags. I extracted it so that I could experiment it. So that I could find the reason why it kills dark spirits and infects light spirits.

Luke H: So what are we going to do with all this?

Brad: Tomorrow we'll send all this evidence to Prof. Williams to see why Lunatite is deadly.

So this settles it, we are going to give Prof. Williams what I found in the Lunatite while Zach recovers from his illness. He's still clingy to his dads whenever he's sick but that's cute. Anyways, there are more things to unfold tomorrow. Find out in Season 5.

The end...

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