Season 4: 1# Appeal

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Zach's POV

After a long morning of course, we finally managed to get a break and hang out in our dorms. Ryan and I decided to play a few games in our amulets to cure our boredom while everyone else is busy. I'm enjoying the time I spent with my lovely boyfriend.

Zach: Ryan, how many minutes?

Ryan L: 10 minutes.

Zach: Okay, I'm trying to make it.

Ryan L: We did it.

Zach: Yes!

That's when Brad came in, knocking everyone's doors because course is starting soon.

Brad: Everyone, time for course.

Ryan L: Coming, Brad.

Zach: Let's go.

We met up in the common room and went out of our dorms to head to course. I made sure I brought my notebook and pen in case we have notes to take. Even Brad and Luke needs it because that's what they always do.

Zach: So why would people love to frame us for the murder of our own teammate?

Brad: Didn't we jab a bunch of spirits?

Zach: Yeah, but we weren't framed for doing it. I just don't understand why do people have to blame us for something we didn't do.

Bailee: We all live in the same dorm, Blake is my boyfriend and roommate. So by the time he passed away, we were all the only ones there.

George: Unless there's someone who came to our dorms wanted to kill Blake last night.

Danna: George, that is creepy and only serial killers would do that at night.

We soon arrived at the school building and split up in order to go to our courses. So it's just me and my secondary school gang now walking through the halls trying to find some evidence. About all the stuff Coach Creed has done.

Ryan L: So what has Coach Creed done?

Zach: Give Jeff £500?

Eddie: Besides that.

Taegan: I dunno, I'm not one of those jocks.

Cooper: I heard that he's in an illegal relationship with someone.

Lexi: Who?

Josh: Probably another secondary school kid cuz he's a pedophile.

Cooper: And she's over there. Her name is June.

We all looked at the athletic brown-haired, brown-eyed girl who is of Asian descent. She came up to us and gave us dirty comments about us. I seriously don't like how this is going.

June: Oh, if it isn't half of the 'main heroes.'

Zach: It is.

Johnny: Wait, I thought nobody knew we're the main heroes.

Zach: Only some people of course.

June: Where are the others? Actually, I know who you are, Zach.

Zach: I'm an orphan who can master all of the main spirit powers but has cystic fibrosis.

June: And the son of gay fathers.

Ryan H: Hey! Leave my brother alone! We're both orphans.

Grace: Wait, you guys are orphans?

June: Whatever, see you tonight.

Henry: What do you mean?

June walked away from us and all the way to her course. I was confused, what did she mean, tonight? Is she possibly a dark spirit or something? I have no idea.

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