Season 8: 2# A Meeting

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Brad's POV

I received a text from Zach telling me and my gang to meet his gang in the movie theatre. It has been a while since we had meetings about exposing people, our meetings are mainly about our missions every single night. We walked from the university all the way to the movie theatre to meet up with Zach's group.

Connor: Finally, a meeting.

Zach: You guys are here in time.

Luke H: Okay. So what do we do about Roman, guys?

Danna: Man, he's a good liar. He seems so suspicious. He's, like, the first person in our team to ever betray us.

Aurora: I mean, Danna was the only one who noticed how suspicious he was while we were in training. He has that distant, Norman Bates vibe about him.

Ryan L: Yeah, look, we should give the information we have to the police.

Kan: Yeah? Cuz that was so successful last time we involved them.

Zach: We're not doing any of that.

Jonah: We have to. We have no idea why...

Reece: We're doing something for Bailee.

Carm: Bailee?

Brad: A memorial bench isn't her. The funeral wasn't her. Look, we started DGM because we wanted to do something about the things that weren't right. And give justice to all the spirits. The way Bailee and Blake has been treated isn't right. And, you know, people believe DGM didn't just kill Jeff. They think we killed Bailee and Blake, too. They think we're monsters.

Corbyn: Hold up, I'm the real monster here. I'm a Hydra spirit.

Vanessa: Same.

Zach: I'm half Hydra so does that mean I'm half monster half ghost?

Calum: Anyways, what's the plan?

Zach: We'll figure it out.

We went out of the movie theatre and headed back to our dorms. While the secondary school kids were busy, me and my university gang decided to talk about the plan. I decided to tell the kids later because we don't want them to be alarmed with this plan.

Michael: So how are we going to do this?

Brad: Erm... we are going to send a message I guess.

Wendy: How are we going to do that?

Brad: So basically we have to hack into the school's email account.

Jonah: Yeah. But neither of us know how to hack. Collins knows but isn't trained yet.

Collins: I only know a few codes. I don't know any other. Plus, the only skilled hacker in this team is a secondary school student. Zach is the only person who could do this. He's extremely skilled.

Brad: How come?

Corbyn: After leaving Norfolk Island, I decided to pass down my knowledge of computer science to Zach.

Daniel: So you were a skilled hacker? How?

Corbyn: Because I never had a chance to advance my skills on technology in university, I decided to pass it down to Zach. But then I realised that he is completely skilled even for a teenage boy who has dyslexia as well.

While me and my team were walking, we stumbled upon Shui river in Yuansu park. The sun is still up and there are no spirits roaming around. It seems so quiet and peaceful and only the sound of the water and nature could be heard. I feel like I could meditate here during the day, even though spiritual energy comes at night.

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