Season 5: 6# Pulmonary Fibrosis

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Brad's POV

After course, I noticed that Zach and Noah had just stopped training. Which is odd but I need to find out what's going on between them. When I was about to go up to their room, Zach and Ryan ran up to me. I was confused so I need to ask them why did they decide to run up to me.

Brad: Guys, what's going on? Why did you run?

Zach: I heard Noah's breathing pattern after we trained and it isn't normal.

Brad: How can you tell?

Zach: I dunno. I'm pretty sure Noah isn't showing signs of cystic fibrosis. I can tell breathing patterns though.

Ryan L: I dunno how you can tell a certain condition with breathing patterns.

Brad: Okay, let me see him.

We all entered Ryan and Zach's room to see the young boy looking so pale and Zach is right about the breathing patterns. It seems like Noah is showing signs of pulmonary fibrosis. It's a lot different than cystic fibrosis.

Brad: Noah, you okay?

Noah: (coughs)

Zach: His oxygen levels seem to be low.

Ryan L: How do you guys know?

Brad: Does any of you have spare oxygen tanks and nasal cannulas?

Zach: Yeah.

Brad: Good. Now I need you to set it up.

Zach and Ryan set up the oxygen device because Noah needs it. I put the nasal cannula on the young boy and his breathing starts to become normal. We all sighed in relief even though Noah seems to be getting exhausted from breathing too much.

Ryan L: Noah! You okay?

Noah: It feels like I could breathe again.

Brad: Can you tell me what happened back there, mate?

Zach: It was my fault, I overworked him while we were training.

Brad: No, it isn't your fault. For spirits who are suffering from chronic or terminal illnesses, it's normal to feel overworked while training.

Zach: Well, I felt overworked at first when I first trained myself to be a spirit when I was 13. But I was stuck on an island so basically I didn't get medical help.

Ryan L: You managed to heal yourself, right?

Zach: Yup. And I never gave up on training myself.

Noah: That's good.

Zach: Rest up, buddy. Your lungs are so overworked and scarred so you need to rest.

Before we knew it, Noah fell asleep which means he'll have time to heal himself. Which reminds me, did Zach train him about healing powers? Because light spirits also tend to be healers of the world when it's damaged by war or political crisis.

Brad: Zach, did you teach Noah how to use his healing powers?

Zach: Not yet.

Ryan L: About that. Did you just transfer some of your heading powers to him?

Zach: Wait, did I? How can you tell?

We all looked at Noah noticing that there is a sky blue glow surrounding him. Guess that means that Zach had already taught him how to heal himself because of how overworked his lungs are. Then, he woke up feeling a bit better but due to pulmonary fibrosis, his lungs are still scarred.

Zach: Hey buddy. How are you?

Noah: Feeling a bit better though. (Coughs)

Brad: Your lungs are still scarred though.

Noah: Cuz that's my reality, I have pulmonary fibrosis.

Brad: Have you been on a trach?

Noah: Yup, when I was 5 until I was 11 so a total of 6 years, it didn't hurt though. I still have a scar though.

Zach: Oh yeah, Corbyn has been on a trach before. But it was because of an infection that was blocking his airways and has to be removed.

Noah: What about you guys? Have you been on a trach before?

Ryan L: No.

Zach: Not at all.

Brad: To be honest, I've never been on a trach before.

Noah: What about Connor?

Zach: Brad, did he?

Brad: No, he was only diagnosed 2 years ago and was on oxygen for a while. Well, he still is but only when he's sleeping. He was also mute so it's no where near possible to put a trach in because his vocal chords were already damaged. Yeah, that thing doesn't reach the vocal chords but it sometimes might damage it.

Noah: How does he know all these stuff?

Zach: He's a doctor.

Ryan L: Let's head to the common room.

We walked down to the common room where everyone else is. But were a bit surprised to see Noah on oxygen, but we'll still welcome our new team member no matter what. Also because some of our team members are also on oxygen.

Cooper: Noah.

Noah: Hey.

Eddie: Why are you on oxygen, mate?

Noah: I have pulmonary fibrosis.

Josh: Oh yeah.

Brad: Alright guys, we still have work to do tomorrow with our new member. We might have a battle coming up.

Henry: When?

Brad: Soon.

Find out in Season 6.

The end...

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