Akatsuki Took Me In - A Hidan Love Fanfic: Chapter 55

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Akatsuki Took Me In

Chapter 55: Splatter's powers

Dark horses with red eyes running through the woods in midnight, on the horses there were black capes flying against the wind, the horses ran and ran at full speed. Far away they could be see a dim light a light that was created by the lights of a village. The horses stop at the end of a mountain that all the village could be seen.

"Your plan?" Satoshi asked to Hatayo.

Hayato looked at the village from above. He felt nothing but power, he was amaze at how great it was to be the leader of everything even though his plan hasnt been full fill he could only think of the fact of having such power to see the world from above, the fact that everyone would of fear him. Hayato smiled in an evil. On the other side of the village there were mountains as dark as the night, thunder and lighting hit the ground making a tree catch on fire. Hatayo closed his eyes for a brief moment and just when he did the other walked towards Satoshi and with his fist he punched Satoshi making him passed out and drop to the ground unconscious. Hayato opened his eyes and his eyes were now red, blood red, Splatter eyes. Splatter was now in control. Hayato began to float, now he could see all of the village, he looked to the far away tree that was on fire, the lifted his hand and now the fire was not only on that tree it was at every tree at the mountain and the fire began to move towards the village. Hayato who was now Splatter smiled and began to laugh in such an evil and diabolic way as he watch the fire get closer to the village. Hayato flew to the middle of the village were there were people walking. When Hayato landed on the village he hit in ground making the ground break, everyone stood there scared looking at him but when they saw his eyes everyone began to walk backwards far away from him.


Some guy yelled pointing at the mountain, everyone began to yell and run, Hayato looked at the mountain smiling then looked at the guy who yelled the word "fire". Hayato lifted his hand making the guy float in mid air. Hayato smiled at him and through him with such force to the mountain that was on fire. Everyone began to run away in fear not for the fire but for Hayato. Hayato laughed and laughed.

On the other side of the mountain there was Hidan and Kakuzu walking by to the hideout.

"There is a forest fire and is going to that village." Kakuzu said.

"Too bad, right?" Hidan said not paying attention to Kakuzu.

"I got a feeling that that is just not a simple forest fire."

"You mean someone created that forest fire?" Hidan asked.


"Then that someone has to be really mad at someone who lived in that village and wants to murder everyone in that village cause of one person or someone really hates that village." Hidan said.

"Arent you worried?" Kakuzu said.

"For that village? No."

"I mean for Shimu... Dont you think Hayato is going to find her? Im sure Hayato is on its way to find Shimu."

"Of course I am worried for Shimu..." Hidan said.

"What is that?" Kakuzu said pointing at what it looked to be a dead person.

"A dead person..." Hidan said not paying attention.

"Let me look at him. Maybe he is worth something."

"Damn it Kakuzu! You and your stupid money! Hurry up!"

Kakuzu ignored Hidan and walked towards the dead person to see that the person wasnt dead.

"Help me..."

"Shut up and let me look at you... Hmmm his face is not on the list of wanted people... He is not worth anything." Kakuzu said.

"Then murder him and lets get out of here." Hidan said.


"What?" Kakuzu said.

"What did you just said?" Hidan asked.

"Splatter is at that... Village."

"What do you know about Splatter?" Kakuzu asked.

Hidan ran to the edge of the mountain to look at the village he looked at the people running then Hidan finally saw Hayato posses by Splatter. Hidan saw at how powerful Splatter was he saw fire being wrapped around Hayato's arms, he saw how he through people to the fire and laughing about it. Hidan decided to run to Kakuzu and the other guy for safety, Hidan was not afraid to say that he was afraid for he was more afraid for Tenma and Shimu, none of them were strong enough to fight against Splatter and Hayato.

"We have to go, NOW!" Hidan said looking around afraid that Splatter saw him.

"His name is Satoshi he used to work for Hayato and Splatter." Kakuzu said.

"We are taking him to the hideout for more information."

Meanwhile in the village the guy to hit Satoshi and through him on the other side of the mountain walked towards Hayato. Hayato was laughing while he through people to the fire.

"I just saw two people of the Akatsuki."

Hayato stopped and looked at him, his voice wasnt Splatters voice anymore it was Hayato's voice.

"Did one of them had silver hair?" Hayato asked.


Hayato smiled and Splatter appear again, Hayato jumped and flew towards the mountain.

"God damn it Kakuzu! Hurry up! Lets get out of here!" Hidan said in a state of panic.

"Do you want him to bleed to death so you wont have any information from Hayato or Splatter?"

Suddenly Hayato landed in front of them with Splatter's blood red eyes. Hidan, Kakuzu and Satoshi froze.

"Where is she, Hidan?" Splatter said smiling at Hidan.

"Where is Tenma, Hidan?" Splatter said again.

Hidan looked at him with such fear but no matter how afraid Hidan was he was ready to fight.

"You see how I murder those people at that village? I will murder all of the Akatsuki as well!" Splatter said turning around pointing at the village.

When Splatter turned around again to look at Hidan Hidan, Kakuzu and Satoshi disappeared. Splatter looked around fast not being able to find the way they left. Splatter smiled and jumped back to the village were the other guy was.

"What happen?"

"I know now how afraid the Akatsuki is towards me." Splatter said smiled.

"Didnt I told you that we had to get out of there! I hope Splatter is not following us!" Hidan yelled at Kakuzu while the jumped through the trees at full speed.

Kakuzu ignored Hidan while Kakuzu was carrying Satoshi who was badly wounded to the hideout.

To be continue...

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