Akatsuki Took Me In - A Hidan Love Fanfic: Chapter 63

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Akatsuki Took Me In.

Chapter 63: A small moment.

"Hidan sure has change a little, don't you think?" Tobi asked as he put a plate of plane rise on the table where Shimu was.

Shimu looked up at him weird because she wasn't paying attention.

"Huh? Yeah, all this fight, war thing has him really worried... I'm far more worried than him." She said.

"I think Hidan is more worried. You're the most important person to him, and he doesn't care about anyone but you. So yeah he is really worried." Tobi said.

Shimu sighed looking down at her plate of food when she heard the kitchen door open, she and Tobi looked up to see Hidan.

"Morning..." She said.

"Morning." Hidan said walking to get food.

There was an awkward silence, Tobi was basically in the middle of them, Shimu sitting down by the table, Tobi standing up besides the table and Hidan by the stove. Tobi then took his food and left. The awkward moment continued.

"Hidan..." She said.

He didn't responded he just kept looking for the food. She didn't said anything else after that. Hidan stopped resting his hand on the counter and looking down.

"That dream you had... You know what it means?" He asked making her looked at him.

"He's dead. Itachi is dead. Somehow minutes or seconds before he died he decided to communicate with you one last time and from the looks of it he gave you some of his powers."

"I just don't get why he had to die." She said.

"It was his mission, the best thing we can do is not question it." He said picking his food and ready to leave.

"I'm scared." She said looking down.

Hidan stopped and looked at her, she was looking down and it was clear that her eyes were watery.

"You're not the only one."

At that moment the door slammed open hitting Hidan on his arm making his food fall on the floor.

"Oi!" Hidan yelled.

"Sarori is... dead." Kisame said.

"He got murder by that old lady?" Konan asked Pain.

"Yes." He said looking at his dead body.

"This looks as if we were curse by Splatter." She said.

"Why?" He asked.

"Well Itachi died."

"He made that choice."

"Well we almost died at the underground hide out, if it wasn't because of you-. Never mind..." She said looking another way.

Pain looked at her from the corner of his eyes to see her serious but also with an embarres look on her face.

"Well I guess we are getting weaker. I can admit that a demon is stronger than me." He said.

"What do you mean he is dead?" Shimu asked.

"I don't know the full details. You should ask Pain." Kisame said looking down.

"First Itachi now Sasori..." He said looking down then left.

"We're getting outnumber." Shimu said.

"Splatter is just one." Hidan said.

"He is one but has the strength of a thousand man." She said.

"Hidan I don't want to fight. I want to get out of here with Hidan and make a new life."

"Then just give Tenma to them." Hidan said walking towards her.

"I just cant give Tenma to them, you know what's Splatter plan is, if we give them Tenma the world is dead." Shimu said.

Hidan sat besides her, to see one small tear running down her cheek.

"We need to train you and Tenma." He said holding her hand.

"Everything is going to be okay." He said.

Night time arrived, Everyone was fast asleep menus Pain and Konan who were working with their plan when the fight with Splatter happened. Pain was on his desk writing some things while Konan sat down at another desk who had a window, she looked out the window to where the woods are supposed to be but there was nothing but the darkness of the night. Pain sighed a sighed of tiredness.

"Shall we call it a day?" Konan asked.

"I wish but I need to finish this. You go if you want, I'll stay."

"I'll stay..." She said sitting besides him.

Night went by and now it was 3:00am. Pain sighed throwing his head back tired of all the work for the plan, he stared at the ceiling thinking if this plan was good enough to beat Splatter. His eyes wander around the room when they landed at the end of his desk to see Konan with head head on the desk sleeping. Pain sat down straight and looked at her. He saw how she slept peacefully. He then took a sheet and put on her as he looked at her. Konan open her eyes slowly locking eyes with Pain.

"Work here is not done yet." He said backing away when Konan held his arm gently.

"Why must you be so cold..." She said.

That sure catch him by surprised. He looked at her surprised in the eyes.

"Cold? Wasn't I always this way?" He asked but in a soft voice.

"No... Never..." She said looking at him with sad and hollow eyes.

Pain slowly lean in close to her and she didn't move. That both looked into each others eyes. Once Pain was inches away from her face he stopped and looked at her. He then began to caress her cheek catching her off guard but she didn't flinch or move, she just looked at him surprised.

"You've got cold too..." He said finally leaning in.

Pain's and Konan's lips met, it was a small, gentle kiss. No movement what so ever was in that kiss but even though the kiss was small it said everything they felt. Pain back away slowly and he slowly open his eyes and looked at her.

"Go to sleep. I'll stay here okay." He said.

She nodded and left the office, she walked down the dark empty hall ways with her heart beating fast and trying to process what just happen because she didn't believe it, then a small smile began to form on her face and her cheeks began to blush.

To be continue...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2016 ⏰

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