Akatsuki Took Me In - A Hidan Love Fanfic: Chapter 52 (Short Chapter)

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Akatsuki Took Me In.

Chapter 52: "In other words... Forgive me." Hidan said.

Hidan looked to where the voice was and the voice was from Tenma that was at a mirror.

"She was only trying to help. And I was only trying to save her from your God." Tenma said looking at Hidan.

"Why would you even save her if you dont care? Why would you save her if you dont care if she dies?" Hidan said.

Hidan then began to walk towards the mirror looking at Tenma with anger.

"Why would you save her? Why would you save Shimu? Why would you save her when I'm suppose to save her?!" Hidan yelled and punch the mirror.

The glass crash to the floor with drops of blood. Hidan looked at the glass to see nothing but his face with anger and pain. Hidan clench his wounded fist as the blood from his fist fell to the floor. Hidan then fell to his knees.

"Is this what I get for the way I treated Shimu? Is this what I get for murdering her parents? God... Forgive me for all my sins, God forgive me for everything..." Hidan cried.

As he repeated those words he forgot all about the pain at his knees that were crashing to the glass. His kept repeating those words to God but not to Jashin, Hidan prayed to the real God. Tenma looked at Hidan from the shadows.

"I didnt think that you could pray to some other God other that Jashin." Tenma said.

Hidan looked down to the broken glass with blood to see his reflection with a pity look, Hidan saw his swollen eyes from all the crying, from all the suffering. Hidan looked at himself and thought "Is this me? What happen to the powerfull person that I was?" Hidan then looked up to the cealing as tears run from his eyes to the floor. Hidan closed his eyes to remember when he yelled at Shimu.

"Don't ever interrupt me while I am at a ritual or praying to my God..."

"Hidan I-"


Hidan open his eyes to look at the cealing, while Hidan had his face facing the cealing his eyes looked around to only see darkness and the dimlight from the full moon. Hidan stood up but he felt so weak, he felt like he had a weight at his shoulder, when did Hidan was this weak? Hidan began to walk dragging his feet while Tenma watch him from the shadows. Hidan walked outside the hideout to see Shimu looking at the full moon as her blue eyes shine. Hidan walked to Shimu, Shimu heard some footsteps and she saw that Hidan was looking at her with sad eyes.

"Hidan I'm sorry-"

Shimu was interrupted by some arms hugging her, Hidan was hugging Shimu.

"Please don’t expect me to always be nice and kind. There are times when I will be cold and thoughtless and diffitcult to understand.” Hidan said.

Shimu didn't say anything, her eyes got watery and she hugged Hidan.

"In other words... Forgive me." Hidan said.

"You are forgiven." Shimu said.

To be continue...

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