The Big 5 Support Casters part 2

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Alcaeus made sure to do as much as possible based on the people they were in history, and like this, they will be worked harder, each of them cried as they now will no longer have much sleep from now on, of course, it was asked why he did this, it wasn't to make them stronger per se, it was to make them work so much more than before, and each cried tear's of pain and despair as they knew their fate from that point as he gathered their tear's in some cups and after putting them through a water purifier, he drank their tear's to taste their despair and misery, this made each and everyone terrified with a passion of Alcaeus, though he helped them, he definitely made their lives much worse now.

Ritsuka:" how do you enjoy the tears of people"

Alcaeus:" oh, no, simple tear's are not enough, you see, if you drive the people to the point of their lives where they would want to kill themselves and deny them such to make sure they live to suffer endlessly, then their tear's will truly hold that feeling of anguish, despair, misery, and most of all, their soul itself as they will die on the inside completely, and that's the true taste of ridding someone the will to go on and torturing them with the pain of life itself"

Ritsuka:"... you're a monster"

Alcaeus:" I never said I was an angel, I loved giving people their just deserts in life, before you say anything, Waver helped the enemies in the second singularity, Merlin helped Uther Pendragon, murder Igraine's husband, Gorlois, and their 2 children Elaine and Morgause, enslaved, Morgan le Fay, forced Igaine's hand in marriage and raped her to have Artoria and did also helped in the destruction of Camalot in not telling Artoria about this and also altered the history book's to make sure this was covered up, which was why Morgan hated Artoria so much"

Ritsuka:" wow, no wonder Morgan wanted to overthrow Artoria"

when Artoria was told this with Merlin forced to tell her the truth, each one hearing this only huddled into a ball as they rocked back and forth broken almost as the knights of the round table then tortured Merlin as a result.

Alcaeus:" then their's Tamamo who's a whole mess to sort out herself honestly, it doesn't matter how she acts now, she's going to burn in Hell for all I care, Skadi who failed as a goddess and killed million's to save the few, something no proper or capable god or goddess would have done in the first place, and then there's the person I despise most of all Artoria, if you can't tell why I think she needs to suffer, let me tell you master"

finally, Ritsuka would find out why he despises Artoria so much, but Alcaeus made an argument that was... disturbing, to say the least.

Alcaeus:" first off, she is a narcissist who thinks she knows what's best for everyone without a shadow of doubt despite making many mistakes that her knights had to fix in the shadows, she says she's alone on the throne despite having an entire round table of knight's at her beck and call, meaning she's spitting on their hard work and efforts along with anyone else who followed her such as her other knight's and her own people, she thinks a king should be inhuman when it's supposed to be the opposite since only man can rule over man, imperfection's and all, like Gilgamesh in his later years or Iskandar even for his tyrannic style of ruling, though I argue Artoria's cold-blooded ruling was tyrannical in its own right, she never takes the situation, emotion's, or situation into account properly and made very bad call's like with letting someone like Agravain in her round table, or with Lancelot on his affair with Guinevere, and let's talk about his marriage, in life, he's only ever MEET his wife Guinevere on occasion and paid her no mind whatsoever and even called her a inconvenience on multiple occasions... to... her... face"

Ritsuka:"... the affair is making more sense"

Alcaeus:" honestly, it wasn't a matter of why, but when she was going to have an affair, Hell, Artoria even pushed her off to Lancelot to have him take care of her, she basically ASKED for the affair"

Ritsuka:"... did you tell Artoria about this"

Alcaeus:" the part about her parent's, yes, the other part's not yet, come with me and see what happens"

telling the knights of the round this as well as each Artoria, they all were wide-eyed as Alcaeus let down a bomb of information to them as they all had to think now, though the Artosia's got their weapons and tried to kill themselves but Alcaeus surprisingly stopped them.

Alcaeus:" you can't die and take the easy way out, you have to live, live with what you did, take responsibility, and suffer just as much as the million's of people raped, killed, and enslaved by your kingdoms knights within your own kingdom, the million's of people who laid down their lived needlessly for your sakes as a terrible king, and the few people who supported your father for raping your mother and driving her to kill herself for the shame of bearing you in the first place as well as losing 2 of her children and having her daughter enslaved"

Ritsuka:" that's  not better"

Alcaeus:" I wasn't making it better, I was saying she needs to own up to what her life actually is, she knew this, but she was in denial of it the entire time, it's not my fault she can't handle reality to well"

Artoria (Saber):" please... let me die... it's the only thing I can think that will make me happy now"

Alcaeus:" no, you live and suffer, you want to kill yourself to get out of your troubles and end it all their, to bad, you can't die, and you can't kill yourself either, I made sure to place that curse on you so you can't kill yourself under any circumstances, meaning you won't get out of this that easy, now, suffer and anguish on your life, it's a shithole of one, but ti's who you are in the end after all"

each one was crying as he got the cups as the knights just backed away in sheer fear of Alcaeus as they didn't want to get like that at all, it was terrifying and sadistic, though he still helped out around like it didn't happen, such an evil mind behind such a kind and warm embracing smile and attitude, the most dangerous kind of person.

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