Alcaeus's wish for the Grail

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????:"... why... why must there be blood... why must there be death... why must I kill... why must I continue to kill... why can't we all just talk before we decide to kill one another... why can't we see the pointlessness and waste of trying to demand the impossible like perfection and ideal nation when they are completely impossible due to how it seems more like hell than heaven as the Lion King and Goetia seem to dream thier idea of a perfect world being... why must you all say you're right when you're clearly wrong, have you lost your mind's to the point of ignoring every problem with your ideas, why can't you think before you act, why can't you understand the strain other's feel and only focus on your own selves first... why would you ruin the lives of others for the sake of your own ideal's... then again, who am I to talk, I forced my ideal's of a world where all can be equal and pursue happiness without any obstacles from racism and discrimination, a world where people who work hard with an honest and law binding citizen can be happy, and to make sure people were happy, I ruined the lives of those who were opposed to other's happiness in fairness and honesty, I'm no better, but at least I am muture and understanding enough to admit I am no better..."

Alcaeus then woke up, and he was having a nightmare about himself, he was sweating, and thing of himself... he wasn't happy.

Alcaeus:"... master, don't give me the grail, I will not wish my life away like Artoria was going to immaturely do, I know what I did in my life, and I'm owning up to it as a king should, I will now wish to change anything I did, I did what I did at the time because I believed it was right for my people, I will now ask to have my death sooner, I lived as long as I did and that was that... however, I continue to live as a servant... master... make sure I never get a grail to get my wish... because my wish... is for every iteration of myself... to be removed from the root, that way... I never come back... if you don't want to say goodbye for good... never give me a grail if you want to see me... I will destroy myself otherwise"

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