Las Vegas part 1

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when Ritsuka woke up, he found that Alcaeus was nowhere to be found as he looked all over for him, last time he was gone, they found out he conquered an entire singularity and it turned into a training mission from start to finish, and everyone wanted to avoid that if at all possible, so now Mash asked the question.

Mash:" have there been any new singularities"

Ritsuka:" it's summer, so we may get new swimsuit servants

Hokusai (saber):" HELLO ALL, SWIMSUIT SWORDSMASTER OEI-(clear's throat) I mean, Katsushika Hokusai has arrived"

Ritsuka:" I think I'm starting to develop my own clairvoyance based on how I can predict these now"

Ritsuka then got a text from Alcaeus saying that due to him being his main servant, him getting clairvoyance seemed likely and could happen, but informed him it may be due to the fact this has happened during summer so much it may be routine by now so prediction's like this aren't too hard to make, and also informed him he's still trying finding out why the grail is acting in such a manner so do this in the first place, he also said he took over the latest singularity down to the wire and is awaiting him and the other's to get there to challenge the swordmaster's to prove themselves, he also said to bring Olga and De Vinci this time.

Ritsuka:" okay, we got the light from Alcaeus"

Olga:" seriously, is he not going to end our pain himself"

Mash:" knowing him, he's controlled the situation to the point where it's no longer a threat to humanity, only us"

De Vinci:" knowing Alcaeus, he wants to test us to make sure we can survive without him, truth be told, I'm grateful he's making sure to test us"

Ritsuka:" yeah, the first time we were without him, we were a mess"

Mash:" I still have nightmares facing him as an enemy, he may not have wanted to kill us, or even break us too fast, but I think that's what made it even more terrifying"

Ritsuka:" and having him as an enemy with his skills... let's just be glad he pulled his punches by only using his third skill, even then, it was a nightmare"

Olga:" All I know is that so long as he's there, he will get us to go somehow, so we better not keep him waiting, the longer we wait, the worse it gets"


after gathering some other's to help like Seigfried and Kotarou, they set out to get into the singularity, and immediately upon arriving, they find a place that seemed like Las Vegas Nevada, however, there was one very important detail that made it not like how the real one was, there were no people insight, and it was dead quiet, and by the look's of thing's, it even seemed abandoned.

Ritsuka:" this... this doesn't seem right"

Olga:" if this is a singularity, then where are the people"

De Vinci:" Holmes, anything"

Holmes:" nothing on my end, that area you're in that seems like Las Vegas... is completely abandoned, not a single person in sight, however... I think you'll find plenty of wildlife"

then they were attacked by some wile animal's roaming the place as they fought, however, there were too many and they were quickly overwhelmed, but just then, a touring fire burned them to a crisp while the group remained unharmed.

Norberd:" is everyone alright"

Ritsuka:" Norberd, you're here to"

Norberd:" yes, when his majesty called, I answered his call, and when I was tasked with helping you all when you came, all I had to do was wait for anything to happen, I also used my power of the sun to make sure the animals couldn't sense me"

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