Camelot Singularity part 3

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getting to the village, Alcaeus instruct's Semiramis to make her hanging gardens and as she is given the material's, she does indeed make her garden as they use it as a base of operations as they collect Xuanzang, Tawara, and Hassan of Serenity as they get them to be in their base as Alcaeus then says they need to rest a bit and help the people get settles before heading out, he even makes their village improved with magic barriers so powerful even he would have a hard time breaking through them till they were done, and the people were happy, food, better shelter, water, they even threw a party.

Alcaeus:" once we head out, we'll make a break for the kingdom, before leaving, I gathered all the people inside the kingdom so we can just walk in once they all disappear"

Lancelot (Chaldea):" it's strange though, why haven't they attacked us yet, you think with this big a target, they would have surely attacked us by now, right, why haven't they though"

Alcaeus:" oh, I know why, the Lion King is losing power, you see, all the proper Artoria's are draining the power of the lance as we speak, as well as me, so I can just use her power to keep you all here"

Ritsuka:" that's why this singularity is the only place it can come from"

Alcaeus:" there is another reason, the Lion king as accepted she lost the moment she saw me"

Gawain:" she did"

Alcaeus:" she clearly knows me and my legend, and she knows she can't beat me no matter what, she knows she's only considered a goddess due to the spear altering her mind, but I don't need a spear for that, though I prefer to be human"

Artoria (Saber):" wait, my spear doesn't make me a goddess"

Alcaeus:" of course not, it just alters your mind to think that so you can kill people, think of it like this, the spear is the opposite of your sword, Excalibur, and that sword was said to be the light of humanity, only able to harm the guilt and not the innocent, in that sense, what does the spear represent"

they were thinking as they then figured out the spear alters the mind of the person so they kill innocent's in mass, this shook the round table tot their core seeing this as they found out exactly why she's doing this"

Alcaeus:" then again, the spear is only able to alter the mind's of those who are weakminded, willed, or in Artoria's case, forgo their emotion's to be some kind of heartless bastard that think's naively that the fastest solution that gets immediate results is the best, no wonder your kingdom fell and the spear took over" 

Bedivere:"... when we do return, what do you plan to do"

Alcaeus:" changing the subject, I guess they get the picture I painted out about eh truth of that spear and the user's incompetence... I'm going to torcher the Lion King to death"

they were silent as they asked if he knew it was still Artoria, but he only answered.

Alcaeus:"... it's because it's Artoria I want to see her suffer, I want to see her face as I break her bone's bit by bit, saw her limbs nearly completely off to the bone with bare wire, to stab cursed blade's in her and watch her cry in pain, and give her a large dosage of various poison's with her unable to die from them and only suffer, it's because it's Artoria I want to torcher her so, if it were someone like Medb or Ishtar, I could care less about them"

Ritsuka:' then why, why do you want to do so much, why above all else do you torcher Artoria more than anyone else, and why, aren't you family"

Alcaeus:"... because I care about Artoria, he-, she is my ancestor, and for all his or her fault's, I did take great consideration in learning his- her legend growing up, inspired by the legend to help motivate my kingship, to see The Lion King, a form of Artoria, do something like... this, it makes my blood boil with a bloodlust like I never had in my life, comparable only to the time the maid who raised me my entire life was kidnapped and I got a note saying the kidnapper's planned... no, not now, point is, this singularity hit's me hard, simply because someone I looked up to for a long time is responsible for something so... horrible"

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