Another Day in Chaldea

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waking up at 5:00 sharp the second the 5 appeared, Alcaeus wakes up from his 1 hour nap as he greets the day, some servants are already up at this time, Kiyohime being one of them waiting for master to get up, he then greets her as this has become normal, thank's to Alcaeus's power, she and other servants can't get in his room without his consent, though his dreams are a weak point he intentionally let be weaker for shared dream's, and servant's do have many dream's, though, some are more nightmares as every Artoria recall's all the event's that lead to the downfall of Britain as if mocking her, giving her sleepless night's, but sleep was needed now for servants so each one had to swallow their fear's and sleep if they were to function throughout the day, some of the child servant's came as some were still somewhat sleepy, like Jack.

Alcaeus:" did you stay up all night again Jack"

Jack:"... but there was a good show on the TV, I watched till 4 mommy"

Alcaeus:" at least call me papa or father please"

Jack:" is mommy up"

Alcaeus:" not yet, master is still asleep, come, let's lay you down for now"

pulling out a blanket, he led Jack to the couch in the massive meeting area, which is just a fancy way to say a type of living room where servants meet and talk to one another with a few theater-sized and regular flatscreen sized TV screen, a set of surround sound speakers to give you the feeling of being there, a few mini-fridges, some tables, games both video games and board games, and everything else you would want with a track field worth of space to run around still, heck, it was as big as Chaldea was before if you could believe it, and then as Alcaeus set Jack down for a little nap, he asked a nearby servant for assistance.

Alcaeus:" her Leonidas, can you wake up Jack in 45 minutes, Breakfast would be ready by then and I don't want her missing it"

Leonidas:" sure, I was reading this book anyway, I'll get her up once I'm done"

Alcaeus:" great, thank's a lot"

in the kitchen, Emiya, Boudica, Cat, Beni-Enma, Tawara Tōta, Fionn, Medusa, Tamamo, and Penthesilea were gathered, there were others like Tomoe Gozen and Circe, but Alcaeus shooed them away since they were of no help or to dangerous to let cook, from there, they made breakfast for everyone, and they all ate after some time, though, Alcaeus ate last as he was cleaning all the kitchenware before eating, something he did regularly, this was normal, he always clean's up before eating, and when he does heat, he doesn't mind his manners and stuff's himself with food within 5 to 10 seconds of getting it before he finishes, clean's up, and then goes to do his next task.

Jason:" you know, it's odd, for a king, he's surprisingly laid back, easy to talk to, very humble, and also very ordinary aside from working himself to the bone and making sure everyone else has had their fill before he does... then again, that can change in a moment's notice as if he is someone else completely"

Atalanta:" this coming from the man who did so bad as a king the people threw him out with how badly he was at king even without proof you did indeed kill the king and his daughter's wrongfully and illegally just because you were a bad king for being the opposite of him"

Jason:" I'm not trying to say he's a bad ruler since I have no room to talk at all and how well he's done, and how his life is mostly of his success and great abilities that made him such a great king in the first case, rather than his very few failures which can't really be called failures in the first place, but still, it's odd seeing a king like this"

Gilgamesh (Archer):" not that I want to support that man there, but I agree, kings are supposed to be the one's who are spoiled, not the other way around, at least, that's my opinion"

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