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PDA:" (ding ding dong), hello, this is Alcaeus speaking, for all new servant's, we implore you to go find a Chaldea staff member and have them give you a full tour of Chaldea, thank you for your time"

Kama:" I'm here not a day and he's already showing his authority, I guess some things never change, if he is king, he subtly shows his power but not exaggerate it, but does he still got it I wonder, maybe I can get away with making some trouble then"

PDA:" and Kama, if you cause trouble, I'll make you look into my eyes"

Kama then pissed herself silly as she then fainted from fear in her own pee, and Parvati had to carry Kama and clean her up, then in the PDA room, one of Alcaeus's wives walked in to talk to him.

Tamamo:" Alcaeus, can we talk"

Alcaeus:" sure, what's up"

but as Alcaeus was going to talk to his wife, he forgot to turn off the PDA speaker, and now everyone in Chaldea can hear them.

Ritsuka:" he forgot about the PDA speaker, didn't he"

De Vinci:" even as clever, smart, and careful as he is, he still makes mistakes like this, but he is only human so what can you do"

Artemis:" oh this is nothing, one time he left 5 of his kid's on the island of the Amazon's with one of his wives because he put them to bed and instinctively let them sleep their forgetting that wasn't technically their home, and only after he got back to shore he noticed, he was so scared he literally turned as white as his hair was"

as Alcaeus didn't notice the PDA speaker was blasting aloud his talk with his wife, he talked to her like nothing was wrong.

Tamamo:" I want to know more about being a servant, and what changes you made to it, the more I know, the better I'll feel about being one since... it seems still a bit cumbersome for me to come to term's with it as of yet"

Alcaeus:" understandable, well... for starter's, your more organic bodies, originally, servant's didn't need food or the need to excrete, however, this cost more Mana, so I changed thing's so you have bodies so organic to how they were in life where food, water, sleep, and excretion is necessary now, it's essentially reincarnation basically"

Tamamo:" I see, so I can get fat if I lay around all day"

Alcaeus:" don't worry dear, no matter how you look like, as long as you are you on the inside, I don't care what your outside look's like"

many servants whose love life was less than glamorous vomited in their mouth at how cheese that was (we all know who had terrible love lives, don't exclude any of the Artoria, she was the worst of the bunch all things considered) and the talk continued.

Tamamo:" does that mean... we can make more children"

now this sparked the interest of a few (you all know who would jump at this chance) interests.

Alcaeus:"... here's the thing, between 2 servants like us... I'm not 100 percent sure, it's 50/50 as far as I can tell with no prior information on this since it's brand new, same for someone else who is not a servant that is humanoid or whatnot, it is a gamble as it's like trying to have 2 separate species from a different although similar genome and chromosome family have children, like a domestic cat and lion hybrid, while they Could, that doesn't mean they WOULD, if that make's sense.

Tamamo:" I see"

De Vinci:" I see, so it's like that, I always wondered what that would be like"

Helena:" it is a topic I did want to ask since I know people like Medb will be "sleeping around" and I don't want to turn this place into a daycare filled with many of their children without fathers"

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