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"Harper.. Harper wake up!" The voice of one of Harper's best friend's, Marlene McKinnon, spoke. "Go away, Marlene. I'm not coming." A scoff came out of her other best friend, Lily Evans, mouth. The room fell silent as Harper began to fall back asleep. BANG!

"What the hell?!" Harper shrieked. Marlene smirked down at her while Lily giggled. "You haven't come down all weekend, we have class today. Get up and get ready Ms.Rossi!" A scowl appeared on Harper's face as she got up and began to get dressed. "How'd you even get in here?" She asked while tying her tie. "Oh! Diggory let us- oh.. Sorry Harp.." Lily shyed away.

Amos Diggory. Hufflepuff's quidditch star and the boy who shattered Harper's heart in half. They had been dating from 2nd year till their 6th year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. 3 days ago, the three girls walked in on Amos shagging Narcissa Black in the Potions classroom.

Harper felt tears burn the corners of her eyes but didn't dare to let them fall. "It's ok Marlene..Hey, let me just grab my wand and we can go get breakfast. We have herbology, astrology, and care of magical creatures together!" she smiled. Lily could sense her pushing her feelings aside but decided to let it go. "Hey Mckinnon, how's Dorcas?" Marlene's smile disappeared and turned into a blush. "Shut up, Evans.."

The three girls walked out of the Hufflepuff common room and started towards the Great Hall. "I swear I saw it!" Marlene giggled. "There is no way you saw a house-elf and Filch snogging, Mar!" Lily blushed. Harper let out a loud laugh but went quiet when they came across the big doors to the Great Hall. "You ready, Rossi?" Marlene called. "Yeah.." She replied. Lily grabbed her hand and opened the doors to the great hall.

All talk dialed down as they stared at the short, brunette Hufflepuff girl with the redhead, kind, and brightest witch of their age to her right and the blonde, tough, troublemaker Gryffindor to her left. "Get back to eating and worrying about your miserable lives! Nothing to see here!" Marlene barked at the hall. Heads shot back to where they were looking before and conversations continued.

"Thanks Mar.." Harper smiled weakly. Lily held onto her hand tighter while dragging her to the Gryffindor table. They sat down next to Dorcas Meadows who immediately kissed Marlene when she arrived at the table. "Hey, Rossi! Missed seeing you around. You
coming to the Gryffindor party Friday?" Meadows babbled. A nod came from Harper as she continued shoving her face with whatever food was near.

"The kings have arrived! Hello Lily-flower! Ladies!" James Potter called sitting down next to Harper. A scoff rang from Lily as she began to call him a "arrogant toe-rag" numerous times. Harper looked for her two best guy friends, Remus Lupin and Sirius Black. "Hey Harper.." Remus smiled at her. "Hi Lupin! Hey Black." She said after swallowing bacon. Sirius grunted in reply.

She looked to see Peter Pettigrew also there but he was too invested in the food in front of him. "I'm sorry I didn't come see you when I heard. I thought maybe you didn't wanna talk to anyone." He shyly spoke. "It's alright, don't sweat it." She smiled at him to signal she was ok. "Rossi, sorry to hear about the git - i'll break his face if you want." Sirius whispered across the table.

Harper giggled and replied with, "no it's okay. Speak of the devil though." She looked up to see Amos standing there looking quite irritable. "Harper, I've apologized numerous times. You know I love you - forgive me babe." Marlene stood up with her fists clenched. "Fuck off before I make sure your future baby Diggory's die by age 18." James looked at her questioningly since he didn't understand but returned to pestering Lily.

"See you in Herbology, Harp." Amos trudged away. Harper sat quietly while looking down at her plate. She felt everyone's eyes looking at her but refused to let the tears that were in her eyes fall. "I'll walk you-" Lily started to say before being cut off "Actually Evans, she's walking with us. You know, for protection? You're welcome to accompany Prongs on our way." Black smilied innocently.

Harper got up, still not speaking, as did the others. "Herbology we go! Don't you hufflepuffs like this class?" James said slinging his arm around her. "I guess. I'm quite fond of Astrology though.." Harper went on to tell them about her love for astrology as they reached the class. "We're right across from you on the Gryffindor side if you need us Rossi." James said taking his arm off her. "Thanks Potter.. Mar, please hold these children down if they annoy you." She smiled at her friends.

Today, they'd be learning about Mandrakes so that would call for earmuffs. Sirius and James got stuck with bright pink ones which made Marlene, Remus, and Peter howl with laughter. Harper giggled but resumed her attention to Professor Sprout. Harper felt tapping on her shoulder and turned around to face a hufflepuff boy who she didn't recognize. "Rossi! Diggory told me to give you this."

A note was handed to her and it read:
"Harper Rossi, i'm truly sorry. You know I love you and Narcissa meant nothing to me. Don't break-up with me, forgive me. Meet me outside after class so I can walk you to potions."

Anger formed a pit in her stomach as she looked up at her friends. They all looked curiously back but Harper decided to put on a little show. Her eyes darted towards Diggory who was staring back at her. She raised an eyebrow and smirked at him which he replied with a smirk. She took her wand and set the note on fire.

"Ms.Rossi! That'll be 5 points from Hufflepuff! You should be focusing on your mandrake not setting things on fire." Sprouts voice called out. All eyes set on her as she looked down at her mandrake. "Forgive me, Professor Sprout. Won't happen again. I promise." Sprout continued with her lesson and everyone returned their attention back to her.

Class ended with no homework but that was due to The Marauders little stunt they pulled. Lily and Marlene walked Harper out of class but parted ways so they could go to their next class. Potions was with the Slytherins but luckily her good friend, Regulus Black, was in her class. Regulus was younger then everyone but was advanced enough to be in there class.

She walked into class and hurriedly sat down next to him. "Reggggg! I'm so glad to see you." She hugged him. He hesitated but gave in and hugged her back. "Hey, Rossi. I'm glad it's you sitting next to me and not some Mudblood." He said loudly. Harper looked at him with hurt in her face but knew he was only putting on a show for his Slytherin friends. "Regulus, I know you don't mean that. If you did - we wouldn't be friends.." He looked at her in a way that told her he didn't mean it.

"Settle down class! Today we'll be working on  Hiccoughing Solution with the person I assigned you with!" Professor Slughorn said gleefully. Groans filled the room but obliged to the old teacher. Names were called out, "Black and Abbot. Avery and D'Elia. Diggory and Rossi!" Harper's stomach dropped. Of course this would happen to her. Regulus looked at her with pity but went to sit with Abbot.

"Long time no see, Rossi." Amos smiled sweetly at her. Harper scoffed, "As if I wanted to see you. More working - less talking." He rolled his eyes but got up to get what they needed to make the potion.

This was gonna be a long class.

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