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Her hazel eyes locked into his grey ones made her heart beat a thousand miles a minute, like it was there first time meeting. Can't Help Falling in Love by Elvis Presley played in the background as the newly wedded couple shared their first dance. James watched the two people he called his family in front of him, dancing happily without a care in the world. "They look happy, don't they?" He whispered to Lily who was crying with Remus. She gave him a weak smile and a nod before turning her attention back to the couple, making her sob more. Meanwhile, Sirius was looking at his wife and saying, "You get more and more perfect everytime I see you." Harper felt her cheeks turn red and she smiled up at him, "Shut up Black." The music changed to a bit more upbeat meaning that the first dance was done, letting the two finally return to their seats and now eat the food that was prepared by many house-elves alongside Euphemia.

Harper took a bite of her carrots before people swarmed over to congratulate them. Putting down her fork, she hugged the Weasley's and turned to see Amos and his wife next. "Congrats you guys! The wedding was beautiful. Sirius, mate, you picked a good one," Amos laughed before shaking Sirius's hand and giving her a hug. The couples talked a bit before letting the two complete their meal. "I'm starving, I swear if one more person comes over here to greet us, I'll kill them." Sirius grumbled before taking a bite of his food which earned a giggle from Harper who began eating too. Luckily, everyone noticed the couple scarfing down their food and decided to not interrupt their meal. "Girl, I need to dance with you and the girls. Come on." Marlene smirked before grabbing the girls hand and leading her to the dance floor where Dorcas, Lily, and Narcissa all were dancing. She soon let go and began dancing causing the other girl to get into the rhythm as well. Sirius watched his girl with a smile on his face that couldn't be wiped away.

"Padfoot, come on mate. Drink up." James laughed passing the boy a shot, Remus and Peter were there holding their drinks waiting for him. Returning his gaze back to his friends, he downed the shot and grabbed Remus's hand who grabbed onto Peter who grabbed onto James. The boys were now on the dance floor alongside what seemed like the whole guest list, making everything sweaty, crowded, and more fun then expected. "Moony, you're the worst dancer I've ever seen" Peter laughed before grabbing a hold of more alcohol and passing it around, "To the newly weds!" The group raised their glasses and downed their drinks, allowing the alcohol infect their bodies. James and Lily danced together as did Marlene and Dorcas but Harper surrounded herself with Narcissa, Sirius, Remus, and Peter who were all jumping up and down to the beat. "This wedding is so much better then Prongs's!" Remus laughed, earning a playful yet not playful glare from the Potters who heard him.

"I think cake?" Narcissa yelled over the music as she noticed the cake being set on the table, it was decorated in fall leaves. Sirius intertwined his fingers with hers as he pulled her over to the cake where Fleamont awaited them. "Son, Harper love. Take this cake cutter and all you gotta do is slice from top to bottom. Harper I know you probably know but Sirius here isn't exactly the brightest." The two snorted as Sirius placed his hand on his chest, "Damn pops. That was bloody mean." Harper took a hold of the cake cutter and Sirius placed his hand on top of hers, so he could be apart of it. The guests gathered around to watch the couple who were already slicing it, and cheers sounded from around them. Soon enough, the house elves was passing cake around to guests and Harper was feeding Sirius some of their cake. "I could get used to this!" Sirius smirked as he chewed on the delicious cake. Harper laughed before taking a bite for herself and looking around. Amos was talking to his wife and the two looked more then overjoyed as they spoke about their son, Cedric.

Lily told the group about her and James were going to try for a child soon. Everyone was very excited for them but mostly James who looked like a child that was just told he'd be able to buy anything he wanted from Diagon Alley, no money matters. "Harper." Taking her out of her glance, she turned to see Sirius and Remus looking at her worriedly. "You alright? We're trying to talk to you." Returning her attention back to the two, she smiled and nodded to signal for them to go on. Remus looked around nervously before whispering again, "I'm going to tell Dumbledore about our worries.. You know with Wormy? He just left and said there's an emergency he needed to deal with." Harper nodded quietly and looked to Sirius who was playing with his thumbs nervously, nodding every once and a while. "When?" Sirius asked after a minute of silence. "Tomorrow. Best to do it early or one of us could end up dead. Also, guess what? The Longbottoms are also wanting to have a child, they're trying."

This seemed to cheer the newly married couple up as they both broke into grins of excitement. Harper was the first to speak as she said, "That's amazing! I'm so happy for them, how's Alice? Aw, I should send them a letter." Sirius laughed before placing his hand on top of hers, "Yeah tonight. I'll go with you Moony - ya know, tomorrow? Maybe Prongs too." Remus gave a smile smile before walking back off to where Lily and Marlene were drunk dancing, James was speaking to his parents. The party soon died down, and most guests have left meaning that the new Mr. and Mrs. Black could return back home if they please. "Want to get out of here? I'm exhausted." Harper laughed, peeling her heels off and tossing them to the side of the room. Sirius nodded and helped her up, "Let's say goodbye to our friends, alright?" Getting up, Harper staggered over to her friends and said their goodbyes before appareating home. Harper picked the bottom of her dress up to walk but was scooped up by her now husband, "It's tradition."

She laughed and laid her head on his chest as he carried her inside. He took her up to the bedroom and placed her on the bed, before climbing on top of her and connecting their lips. Slowly, her hands took of his suit jacket and unbuttoned the under shirt, showing his beautiful torso which she began to kiss. Flipping himself over, the girl was now straddling him which allowed full access for him to take her shirt and the rest of her clothes off. Soon enough, both of them were naked bodies that were kissing one another in passion. "Ugh, I love you Mrs.Black" Sirius moaned out as she kissed his sweet spot on his neck. The girl giggled before looking into his eyes and kissing his nose once more, "I love you too Mr.Black." Soon enough, he flipped them over once more before kissing down her body.

Collapsing next to her, Sirius laid down and stared up at the ceiling before whispering, "I could get used to this." Harper laughed before covering up her body and facing the boy with a grin on her face. He tucked the strand of her hair that had fallen over her face and kissed her nose once more. Harper slowly began to fall asleep until Sirius grabbed her waist and laughed, "Round 2?"

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