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"Wake up love birds! Come on I want to ride on Sirius's motorcycle!" James complained shaking the two sleeping friends. Sirius shot straight up, "Let me get dressed!" James laughed and left the room to get dressed too. Harper watched Sirius change into a fitted black shirt with a leather jacket and some jeans. "Take a picture, it'll last longer." Sirius joked. She blushed and got off his bed.

She decided on not changing since it was 11:00 and the party would start at 5:00 meaning she'd have to start getting ready at 2:00. Sirius and James's laughs rang through the house as they ran outside to get on the vehicle. At the speed of lightening, they took off making Harper worry. They were going to fast, what if they got hurt?

She shrugged it off and walked downstairs to the kitchen where Fleamont was. "Morning Harper. Phemi is getting the ballroom ready AGAIN. that woman is incredible. she has off of work this week yet still finds ways to work on things." She laughed at him and made tea them. She placed the tea in front of them and he thanked her.

"Fleamont, can I ask you a question?" She said
after taking a sip of her tea. He nodded so she went on, "I'm sure you know by now that I have feelings for Sirius. It seems like he likes me too.. Am I just going insane?" He laughed for 3 minutes straight causing her face to flush. "Good one. Doesn't know if he likes you. Harper, he's been in love with you since 3rd year!"

She smiled at him and relaxed. "I'm not rushing into anything but it's good to know." They finished there tea and waited for two boys to return from Merlin knows where. Fear coursed through her as the clock hit 1. They'd been gone for two hours and haven't returned. She sat on the couch and began reading one of the books that Remus got her.

She read the first few pages when the front door opened and both boys came in with huge smiles on their faces. "WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?!" She yelled in a motherly manor. Both boys turned around started and saw the girl. "We went for a ride." Sirius said nonchalantly. "A ride! It's been two hours! You could've died! You could've been seen! Seen going over 100 mph by the cops!"

The boys laughed at her and wrapped her in a hug. "Come on, let's test out your broom for a little and then you can get ready." Sirius said kissing her forehead. She blushed and went to retrieve her broom. Running back downstairs, the boys had their brooms ready to go too so James's led them outside. "You do know how to fly, yeah?" James questioned Harper. "Duh." She replied climbing on and showing off.

James chased after her with Sirius following. "Oh my Merlin, how I love flying!" She squealed doing loops in the air. James laughed at her while Sirius watched in awe of the girl in front of him. Her brown hair flowing in the wind, the brightest smile on her face, her rosy cheeks, and her stunning brown eyes shining as flew. "Close your mouth or you'll catch a fly" James leaned over and whispered to him.

Shoving him, he chased after the girl at lightning speed. Giggles rang from Harper as she flew down to the ground and ran towards the house. Sirius caught up to her and tackled her to the ground. "James!! Helpppp!" She screamed as he tickled her. "Sorry, doll face. Got to go get ready for my hot date! See ya'll later." He said walking around them and into the house.

"My hot date needs to get ready too." She said pushing him off of her. "Did you just call me hot?" He asked raising his left eyebrow. She blushed and ignored his comment. Walking into her bedroom, she laid out her stuff and went to shower. Half way through her shower, a knock on the door came. "In the shower!" She yelled. "It's me!" She heard Lily's voice. "LILY!" She yelled trying to wash her hair faster.

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