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First day back to class was extremely weird for Harper as everyone congratulated her everywhere she went. First years basically worshiped the ground she walked on and asked for pictures of her which was extremely odd to Harper as she'd always been.. Just Harper. The Slytherins taunted her especially
Malfoy, "Rossi..Rossi! You fainted! You actually fainted." He said to her at breakfast that day making Remus retort with, "Shove off, Malfoy." Harper was your typical Hufflepuff girl yet she was now somewhat of a hero to others. "Ms.Rossi as you seem to be to in your thoughts to pay attention, tell me the bordering constellations of Cassiopeia."

Harper looked to see Professor Sinstra and all of the class staring at her waiting. "Oh uh sorry. It's bordering constellations are Andromeda, Cepheus, Lacerta, Perseus, and Camelopardalis." Sinatra seemed pleased with the answer and continued her lesson but Harper's mind began to go elsewhere again. The name Andromeda made her think of Sirius's cousin, the one person in his family besides his Uncle Alfred. She always sent him records for this record player and begged to meet Harper once they'd gotten out of school. This made her mind start drifting to the OOTP meeting that they'd have later that night where they'd be working on the Impediment jinx. Professor Sinstra noticed that her best student's mine was somewhere else making her worry for the girl. "Alright, I want you to feel out this star sheet for homework. You're dismissed early. Ms.Rossi stay behind."

All of Ravenclaw said goodbye to Harper aswell as her own house before leaving - Harper ignored it and grabbed her stuff before stumbling up to her Professors desk. "Sorry Professor, having a hard time paying attention today. I'll do better." Harper weakly smiled at the woman making her laugh, "It's alright, you've got the highest mark in this class. I must ask you, are you ok? This is highly unlike you." Harper quickly nodded before explaining she's just had a lot on her mind not to mention with the holidays coming up quickly she'd have a lot to do. "Well, if you ever need anything - please don't be a stranger." Sinstra said before waving her wand and making a piece of parchment appear. "You didn't take a stat sheet, so here you go."

Harper took the sheet and waved goodbye before running down the astronomy tower so she wouldn't be late to DADA. Today they'd be going over Boggart's again - they'd already learned that in there third year - but it'd the on their Newts. She of course arrived late and had 5 points taken from Hufflepuff but none of her housemates seemed to care since she was their champion. This made Harper angry a bit, she didn't want all the attention and for everyone to bow down to her - She was an equal. Hurrying over to the end of the line, Harper watched Finch-Feltchley battle his hogwarts first, which was a an older woman who began to yell in Russian. Quickly, it had begone and others were excited to battle their own again. Peter's was his mother which made everyone laugh, Marlene's was Dorcas cheating on her, and Remus's was the night sky with a full moon.

"Peculiar." She heard a girl whisper from behind her,
making her turn and face Mary Macdonald. "Hello,
Rossi." Harper greeted her before turning back to see Sirius's boggart. It was his mother. She was yelling, "Disgusting blood-traitor. You'll NEVER be good enough. Should of killed you back years ago." Harper noticed the boy freeze up as it turned into Regulus who began to shout similar things. "Padfoot, it's a boggart. Come on." James whispered but the boy was so fixated on what or who the boggart had turned into. Harper saw herself standing there with blood running down her body and saying, "This is your fault. Disgusting excuse of a man. I never loved you and never will." Remus liked Sirius in the back which seemed to make him regain consciousness as he yelled out, "Riddikulus!"

Harper's bloody figure was gone but everyone turned to look at her again. She ran up to Sirius and wrapped her arms around his stomach. "It's ok, it wasn't really me, love." The boy walked to the back of the line to watch the others but was dead silent. "Ms.Rossi, it's your turn." Her professor spoke - Peter took over consoling Sirius as he had not stopped shaking or spoke yet. Standing in front of the Boggart, she'd expect to see all her friends dead again but it wasn't just that.. Now, she saw herself with her wand in her hand and the dark mark on her forearm, standing over their dead bodies and laughing. "R-Riddikuls!" She yelled but it didn't stop, it began to speak. "Oh, my dears you thought I'd actually loved you all. Filthy blood traitors and mudbloods."

Hatred ran through Harper's veins as she pointed her wand at the Boggart and yelled with power, "Riddikulus!" Running back over to Sirius who seemed to become worse with what Harper's boggart was, she helped him out of the room and to the Hufflepuff common room. "Come on love, let's go relax. You're only going to miss Herbology I believe, I'll take care of that." She was shaken up by her boggart but her boyfriend was her only concern at the moment. She hoisted him onto her bed before pulling the covers onto him and kissing his forehead. "It's not real. Regulus and I would never.. Say anything like that baby." He sobbed into her robes and pulled her close to him. "Don't leave me." He whispered. "I'd never. I love you... so so much." She pulled away and walked over to the other side of the bed.

He fell asleep, holding onto her waist, but she had just enough of an arm reach to grab the letter off of her owls leg. 'The Potters!' Harper thought before tearing open the letter.

Dear Harper,
Hello dear! Oh Fleamont and I miss you so. We've heard from James about how the first task had gone, we send our best to you. Fleamont tells everyone who would listen how proud he is of his daughter for completing her first task before everyone else did. I know all the attention could be extremely stressful and annoying but remember,
I'm always here my love. Fleamont wants to write now but remember Christmas is around the corner and we'll have our annual girls day. Lily is coming for Christmas break if you didn't know!
HARPER! Oh how I miss you so, my little girl. I stole the quill from Euphemia so I could write. I'm so proud of you - I can't wait till you come and see me again. James tells me your escape is Quidditch and that not to tell you but you're actually quite good! I'll have to put that to the test when you're home from break. Hope you and the boys are well. Sending you and them my love.
Xoxo, Euphemia and Fleamont Potter

Harper giggled but her heart swelled at the thought of them thinking of her as another child. She realized another letter was addressed to her but it was from her mother which made her stomach churn. "You ok?" She heard Sirius grumble from beside her. Setting the letters down, she turned over and brushed his hair out of his face. "Of course baby. How are you? Want anything?" He smirked before pulling her into a kiss. "Ah, if that's going to happen let me read my letters first." He groaned before letting go and grabbing the letter for her. "Hurry up, pup." He whispered kissing her neck, sending goosebumps down her skin.

Dear Harper,
Please stay safe, I love you, my girl.

"Bloody bitch didn't write anything but that?." Harper whispered before tossing the letter aside and grabbing Sirius's face pulling him into a kiss. "Will you go the Yule Ball with me?" She bit down on his lap making him groan and crawl on top of her. "Yes. I will." "Fucking perfect." He whispered taking off her robes and skirt. She pulled his clothes off to before kissing all the way down to his V-line which made him buck his hips into hers. "Needy, aren't we Siri?" The boy let out a breathy laugh before sucking on her shoulder, leaving a large bruise on her. "Come on, show me how good of a girl you could be for daddy." Harper let out a laugh making Sirius look down at her. "You did NOT just call yourself daddy." His eyes went wide after realizing what he'd just said, "Merlin, I didn't even realize I said that-" She kissed him to stop his rambling before saying, "It's okay daddy. I'll show you how good of a girl I can be."

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