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"I have so much homework!" Marlene groaned sitting down on the couch in the Gryffindor common room. "I can help! I don't have much. I finished astronomy, potions, and transfiguration. I have an essay for care of magical creatures still." Harper said. Marlene passed her the astrology homework and Harper got straight too it.

As she finished the sheet, a loud crash of the door scared the two girls. Lily and the boys came bustling into the common room. "Harper whatever your
middle name is Rossi!" Sirius said sternly. Harper looked at the five of them to see them all with angry faces. "Uh.. yes?' She whispered. "We've just heard in the hallways that you were partners with Diggory in potions!" Lily shrieked.

"WHAT?!" Marlene roared which scared everyone. Harper looked down at the papers in front of her and began to work on her essay for Care of Magical Creatures. She hummed a yes in response which made them all gather around to listen on what happened. "Nothing happened guys. We worked. That's all." She said not looking up.

"I'll kill him if he ever disrespects you again. I swear." Remus growled. That caused Harper too look up since she's never seen him so protective of her. "You alright Rem?" She asked. "Yeah.. Just irritated easily since the full-  mean since i have a lot to do." His cheeks turned red but Harper didn't notice.

James and Sirius began to play chess as Peter watched chomping down on some strawberries. Remus and Lily were reading, wow not a surprise, while Marlene ran to Dorcas's room. A sigh fell out of Harper's mouth as she finally finished her essay. "I'm gonna head back to my common room. Night all."

She began packing her stuff up when someone grabbed her arm. She looked to see Sirius who said, "I'll walk you." Harper nodded and waved goodbye. The two walked out of the common room into the quietness of the room filled with stairs. "How are you?" Sirius asked. She looked at him oddly but responded, "I'm alright.. Uh, you?" He chuckled and responded "Alright, Darling."

She nodded and continued their walk to the Hufflepuff common room. "Rossi. I mean - Harper. Can I ask you about something?" Sirius asked shyly as they reached the Hufflepuff common room. "Of course, Sirius. what's up?" She smiled. "Well you're my only girl best friend.. It feels required to ask you truly.." He looked away as if he was trying to add to the suspense.

"What do you want for Christmas?" He asked happily. Her face turned red as she thought of him buying her something. "Sirius you scared me! I thought it was something bad! I don't want anything.. I already got you something just so you know." She shrugged walking into her common room. The faint sound of Sirius yelling "I'm getting you something!" came from behind the common room door.

Harper giggled as she walked to her room. Christmas was only 2 weeks away, the full moon was 4 days away, and her birthday was coming up slowly. She greeted her roommates while setting her things down. She walked into the bathroom they all shared and began to get ready for bed. A yawn escaped her mouth as she pulled her yellow plaid pajama pants on.

She trudged to her warm and comfortable bed to notice that all her roommates were asleep already. She sank into her bed and thought of the Gryffindor party that was to bid farewell since they'd be leaving for Christmas break. It was only monday night but it made her nervous since she didn't go to many parties. She wanted to change that and she was going too. She was going to become badass. Her thoughts led her to fall asleep.

The next morning she woke up to snow falling across the grounds of Hogwarts. A smile spread across Harper's face as she thought of her and her father playing in the snow when she was younger. She was an only child so growing up was always lonely besides her dad. Her mother was there too but not as much as her father.

Harper looked in her trunk to find her skirt when she spotted black boots under her bed. She smilied and turned to her roommate, "Hey Abbot? Can i borrow your fishnets?" Of course she lent her them after she told her the plan of becoming badass. She pulled the fishnets on with her black boots, skirt, and her shirt. She kept her skirt normally long but let the top two buttons undone. She grabbed her wand and robes while racing down to breakfast.

She walked into the great hall with a little more sway in her hips like she's seen Marlene do. People stared at her as she walked which made her have to conceal a smile. She reached the Gryffindor table when Remus spit out his drink. "Alright there Lupin?" Sirius laughed but turned around to look at what made him spit his drink out. His jaw fell as he saw Harper's new style.

"H-h-hey Harper.. New style?" Remus stuttered. She laughed at them and sat down. "You look hot!" Marlene goggled at her which earned her a slap in the back from Dorcas. "Wanted to try something new. Tired of being Hufflepuff's innocent sweetheart." She shrugged. She felt eyes burning into her back but ignored them. "Any classes together?" Lily asked the hufflepuff while buttering her toast for her. "Thanks Lil, and uhhhh yeah looks like we have only one. I have most with ravenclaw leaving you with.." She trailed off.

"DAMN SLYTHERINS!" James bellowed causing all of Slytherin to scowl at him. "Maybe you'll get to speak to that cute boy, what's his name? Gilderoy Lockhart?" Lily giggled. James growled causing an amused look on his 3 friends faces. Sirius turned to look at Lily and said "Nah, she's not allowed to date anyone right now. Unless it's me of course" He winked at her causing a blush to come on her face. "Hush! Come on eat! We have class." Remus complained like a mother would.

Parting ways, Harper strolled off to the Charm's classroom. Giggles were coming from behind her and she turned to come face to face with Amos and some Ravenclaw who he had his arm around. She spun back around and ignored the sadness that filled her heart. She'd find someone someday but who?

She sat down next to Lockhart who seemed to invested in his mirror to notice her. Rolling her eyes she began to think. She thought of the Gryffindor party coming up which maybe she could use James as a wingman. He seems to know a lot about everyone so maybe he'd know who she'd get along with.

"Alright class focus! Today we're learning about.."

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