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September and October went as fast as a blink of an eye. Today was October 30th, the day before Halloween and the day before they'd know the champions. The friends snuck into Hogsmeade to ge their costumes but it seemed like many other students somehow did too. "Oh come on, we have to get our costumes for the party." Marlene giggled while dragging her two best friends into a heavily packed store. "Mars, it's packed!" Lily complained as a girl bumped into her. "Sorry!" The girl yelled before running off to her Slytherin friend group. "Stop complaining. Come on, they only sell one of each costume!"

The girls spent a good while waiting for their turn to get a costume while the boys had already gotten there's and were waiting in the Three Broomsticks. "What's taking them so damn long?" Sirius complained earning a kick in the shin from Remus. "Give them some time, Pads. Wormtail, you've been quiet and going out a lot lately. What's up?" Peters eyes shot up to see his three friends staring into his soul, he couldn't possibly tell them what he's done - could he? "Uh.. I'm okay. Bloody hell, just hungry!" James decided that was good enough for him so he changed the subject.

"I cant believe no quidditch in my last year. Absolutely worst thing ever." he groaned slamming his head on the table. Remus laughed at the miserable boy while Sirius comforted him. "You were captain last year at least! That's good, eh?" Quidditch seemed like the hot topic until the 3 giggling girls sat down next to them and wouldn't stop laughing. "What?" Sirius asked completely confused on what was going. "Costume, let me see!" Remus grinned making the girls grin back. "Only you can see, Remmy. Since you are our bestie. The others have to wait." Harper giggled more.

This was the wrong answer as James clutched his heart and began to fake weep while Sirius fell out of his chair and laid on the floor. "Oh the agony! My poor, poor, poor heart!" Rolling their eyes, the girls quickly showed their costumes gaining wide eyes from Remus. "Damn. Hot." Marlene shoved the boy before running off to Dorcas when she saw her. "Merlin, that girls in LOVE." Lily smiled staring at her best friend who always seemed happiest when she's around her girlfriend. "I love you." Sirius whispered into Harper's ear - after getting up from the floor and making sure his hair was perfect. "I love you too."

The butter beer was absolutely delicious and the conversations were fun until the tournament was brought up. "Harper did you ever enter?" James asked her. Her heart began to race, her palms got sweaty, and she began to stutter. "N-no. Don't think I could d-do it. Bloody hell, it's hot in here." Sirius hid his smirk behind his hand but when Lily said, "Good. Love you so much, but no you wouldn't be able to do it." Sirius completely froze. Harper felt anger boil in her stomach, did everyone really think she was incapable of doing it? "Lily that wasn't nice. She could do anything." Remus said.

Standing up, Harper pointed her wand at the girl before marching outside. The cold fall air hit her face as she walked over to Honeydukes with tears stinging in her eyes. 'Don't cry, Harper. It's really not that big of a deal. You could do anything.' Straightening her posture she reached for the door before someone else grabbed it for her. "Alright there, darling?" Sirius asked before taking her wand out of her hands and placing it in her back pocket. "Would want you in trouble for carrying that around, now would we?"

She let out a breathy chuckle before walking inside to find her favorite candy; Jelly slugs but got
more then just that. Chocolate frogs, Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Jellybean, and Fizzing Whizbees. She reached into their pocket for her galleons but someone who wasn't Sirius paid for them. The couple turned around too see Regulus with an actual smile on his face. "Thanks Regulus." Harper hugged the boy right before he nodded and paid for his own. "Want anything Sirius?" The older brother shook his head no but was obviously confused on the boys behavior.

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