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While school days went on, everyone in the friend group began to become more aware of the distance Peter was putting himself out. The Marauders all acted like nothing was going on but the girls had no problem avoiding talking to the boy at all costs. February 13th came and Harper turned 18 years old. "Happy birthday to youuu!" Opening her eyes, she was surrounded by her friends singing her happy birthday. Harper let out a groan and threw a pillow at James who was obnoxiously singing the loudest, causing her roommates to get up and sing too. "Okay! Okay - thank you. I'm starving, let's eat." Harper laughed before grabbing her uniform and walking to the bathroom to pull it on. Lily quickly pulled her hair into 2 braids and Marlene did some light makeup. The whole walk to the Great Hall was filled with people who she didn't even know yelling happy birthday.

Sirius grabbed onto the girls hand and led her into the great hall to bet met by banners and streamers everywhere. "Merlin's left ballsack." Harper mumbled as everyone began to sing to her once again, causing her face to go bright red. "Potter! Black! Lupin! Pettigrew! What's the meaning of this?" Professor Mcgonagall asked as she was already waiting for them at the Gryffindor table where they usually sat. "Come on Minnie, it's Rossi's birthday. Give us a break - we'll clean it up!" James pleaded with her. Harper noticed the older woman's lip twitch as if she were going to smile but she gave a nod and went to walk off to the teachers table but turned quickly around, "Happy Birthday Ms.Rossi." Harper beamed at the teacher as she sat down in between Remus and Marlene who began to serve her. "I'm not incapable of getting my own food, you know that right?" Remus let out a laugh before shoving a piece of bacon into her mouth.

Narcissa and Regulus had slipped away from the Slytherins so they could go over to the Gryffindor table where the Hufflepuff girl was sitting with her friends. "I heard it was someone's birthday. Do you know who Cissy?" Regulus asked, causing Harper to turn around and smile at the boy. "No? I'm not sure who. Not like it says it everywhere in this bloody room." Letting out a chuckle, Harper hugged the two and talked for a good while until they went back to sit with their friends. "Come on, we've got DADA." Lily called as she got up and dragged everyone with her. Sirius once again latched onto the girl making her give him a questioning look. "What? It's my beautiful girlfriends birthday today and I want to be affectionate with her!" he dramatically said before clutching onto his heart and whispering, "why must you question my love, dear Harper Spider Rossi." Not realizing he mentioned the word spider, Harper's mind was brought back to the task that was a bit over a week away. "Sorry.. Wasn't thinking about that."

Shaking her head, Harper walked into the classroom and sat in the seat next to Marlene. "I miss quidditch. Potter can we play quidditch late- nevermind." She said quickly. Harper's heart dropped because she knew her friends were doing something for her but she was surely hoping it wouldn't be a party. Turning around in her chair to face her friends she whispered, "Just promise me whatever it is, it's not a huge party?" Peter was the one to speak up this time as he said, "It's not, don't worry." The 3 girls glared at him making the boy shrink his chair next to Sirius. "Today we're going to learn about the charm Cave Inimicum." Harper sat up in her chair in a bit at the mention of the word cave and it seemed as though her friends did aswell. "This charm produces a boundary that keeps the person casting it, hidden from view. Those who were on the other side of the shield were not be able to see and hear or if the spell was well casted, smell them." Now Harper was paying attention.

As instructed, Harper and Marlene began to work on the spell as the others did too. "Good thing you're learning this." Lily whispered from next to the girl who just nodded in response so she could concentrate. Putting all her effort into the charm, she felt a shield form around her as Marlene began looking around for her. "Well done Ms.Rossi! You're a natural!" Harper let a giggle out and said thank you but she then realized nobody could hear or see her. She walked behind Sirius and kissed his neck, which he felt, and jerked forward. "I guess we know where she went." Remus laughed for a second before he felt her pull his hair, "Ouch!" Casting the spell they learned to stop the shield, Harper appeared and did a quick bow. Marlene tried to do it but accidentally set herself on fire somehow. "Aguamenti!" Lily yelled, dousing the girl in water to stop the fire spreading. "Bloody hell that was amazing!" Marlene giggled before casting a drying spell on herself. Everyone besides Lily and Remus laughed at her before continuing trying to perfect the spell.

"You're homework for tonight is to practice this charm more - this is now the end of class." Gathering their books, Harper split up from her friends and marched down to the Greenhouse for double herbology, much to her excitement. Narcissa quickly joined the girl as she passed on the way. "How is my best friend/birthday girl?" Harper let out a groan before saying she was fine. The two girls made their way to the greenhouse where Professor Sprout quickly pulled Harper aside. "Happy birthday Ms.Rossi. I picked this lesson almost as like a present for you so be prepared." Grinning from ear to ear, Harper returned to her station where Narcissa sat and was joined by Lucius and Macmillan. "Alright quiet down. Today's lesson is on the Whomping Willow." Harper let out a squeal making everyone turn to the girl who didn't seem to care for once. Lucius scoffed before being swatted by Narcissa who whispered in his ear, "Please, it's her birthday and she means a lot to me."

The rest of classes were extremely fun in surprise of Harper who was unaware that her friends begged the professors to do certain lessons for her birthday. Walking to the library to study some more on the Newts and the tournament, she heard a loud scoff from behind her. "You think we'd let you come and study on your birthday? Nah, you're taking a break. Let's go." Regulus laughed as Sirius stood closely behind with a smile on his face. It filled Harper with joy as the two boys were being nice to eachother on her birthday so she hugged them both. "What's the plans then?" Ignoring her question, they changed their direction down to the Hufflepuff common room. "Come on, Mars and Lily'll kill us if we don't have you looking.. What did they say Reg? 'Bloody fucking damn near perfect? As if she doesn't always." Sirius laughed as he waited for the girl to say the password to the common room. "How do you get in to the common room without the password..?" Harper asked before being pushed up the stairs.

In her room sat Amelia Bones, Lily Evans, Marlene Mckinnon, Narcissa Black. "I'm gonna go now. Stop inviting your friends into the room unexpectedly." Amelia growled before stomping out the room making Marlene and Narcissa cackle while high-fiving. "What'd you do to Bones?" Harper asked before letting out a small laugh. Narcissa smiled before saying, "The toerag deserved it as Evans would say. Anyways come now, we've got to get you ready for tonight." Marlene began to raid the girls closet as Lily pulled and prodded trying to get the braids she put in the morning, "Lovely, now you're hair is wavy. Just gonna brush thought it." Narcissa pulled some makeup out as she began to apply it to her face with some critiques from Marlene who was instantly told to shut up. "I'm thinking a cherry red lip, what do you think girls?" Narcissa asked with a smirk on her face. Earning two yes's, she pulled out some lipstick from her pocket and ran it across Harper's lips.

"Alright, now go put this on. We need to get dressed too so." Lily smiled as she passed the outfit that Marlene had took so much time to pick out. Harper gladly accepted the outfit before hurrying into the bathroom to scope what was picked out:

 Harper gladly accepted the outfit before hurrying into the bathroom to scope what was picked out:

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Letting out a laugh, Harper pulled the outfit on and examined herself in the mirror. "I look like a bloody whore." She whispered to herself and let out a bark like laugh. Opening the door to walk out, Marlene and Narcissa squealed at the girl who looked rather stunning to say the least. "A bit revealing I would say but it's nice." Lily commented earning a kick in the shin from Marlene who next took the bathroom to change. Narcissa got changed in front of the girls, not caring about everyone seeing her and said, "Take good care of that outfit. It's mine of course." Nodding Harper smiled and waited for all her friends to be ready to go.

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