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As the song came to a closing, claps interrupted the two dancing and made them jump. Harper blushed embarrassed at the attention but Sirius seemed to enjoy it. "Let's go hang with our friends. Then i've got something for you."

Harper obliged and followed Sirius to the table. "Quite romantic if I do say so myself." James said patting his best mate on his back. Remus smiled at the two but beckoned Harper to sit next to him. "So, you finally realized you liked him?" Harper laughed and realized he was being serious. "How'd you..?" It was his turn to laugh now. "Harper, you've loved him and didn't even realize before we all did."

Peter jumped in, "even i noticed. i don't notice anything!" Shoving food into his mouth he absentmindedly turned back to watch Lily and James dancing The whole ballroom seemed to be up and dancing besides Sirius, Peter, Remus, and Harper. She felt a tap on her shoulder and turned around to see Dorcas. "Meadows!" She yelled getting up and hugging her. "Quite the show you and your lover boy put on, eh? I took a picture, here." She said handing here it.

There was Sirius and her swaying to the music as he sang to her. They looked like a real couple and so in love which made her heart flutter. "Thanks.. Where's Marlene?" She asked taking a sip of firewhiskey that Sirius provided. "Couldn't come. Apparently her parents aren't too happy with her and her brother. Told me to come and have fun still." The two girls talked for a little more until Lily came over and pulled Harper onto the dance floor.

They danced to "I wanna be sedated" like a bunch of idiots but it was fun! The two girls were jumping, giggling, messes but it didn't matter because they were enjoying themselves. James whisked Lily away leaving Harper to return to the table. "Come on, let's dance." Remus said grabbing her before she could notice Sirius's disappearance. He led her to the dance floor as they danced to a few songs. Peter ended up joining them too which made Harper fall over laughing as he attempted to do the sprinkler.

Remus was waiting for Sirius to return as he kept Harper company. When he saw him walk back inside and he nodded to him and led Harper towards him. "Thanks Moony. Hello beautiful. Come on, I wanna show you something." Harper waved goodbye as he led her outside into Euphemia's garden. "What are we doing?" She asked but got no response.

After a short walk, she saw it. Candles leading up to the garden house that was also candle filled. Rose petals led up to the inside making her stomach do a jig. "You like it?" He asked. He was pretty nervous to do this but decided it was just his insecurities talking. "I-I love it.. But why?" She asked smiling at him. He took a deep breath and let it flow freely.

"Harper May Rossi.. I'm in love with you. I have been since 3rd year. You're the only girl I really want and I'm staying committed to you. No more fooling around with anyone else. Girls, guys, house-elf's!" He said making her giggle. "I'm in love with you Harper. You don't have to say it back. I just need you to know that." He looked down at her and she has tears streaming down her face. "I'm in love with you too Sirius Orion Black."

With those words, he kissed her. It was passionate yet rough. Sparks flew through the air. This was a kiss she has never experienced before. It felt right. Gasping for air, they both detached their lips from one another and smiled. "I want to take our time so I won't ask you to be my girlfriend now. But I'm only committed to you." She wiped her tears and said,
"I'm only committed too you too."

Walking back inside, she began to shiver from the coldness of the December night. Sirius noticed and took of his suit jacket and placed it on her. "To keep you warm il mio amore." Her heart fluttered at the way he spoke Italian to her. He intertwined their fingers and led her back inside to the warmth. Their friends sat impatiently waiting to hear how it went. Lily spotted them and stood up causing everyone else too.

"I'm guessing it went good?" Lily asked hugging her best friend. Harper nodded and took of Sirius's jacket. "Come on let's dance." She said grabbing Lily's cup of firewhiskey and downing it. She dragged her to the dance floor as Sirius watched in her awe. Why did everything she do, have to be perfect?

James begged Sirius to tell his mates what had happened so he gave in. All 3 of them squealed when he told them she said she loved him back. Fleamont and Euphemia came over to the boys so he repeated the story. Fleamont did a victory dance for the boy and yelled, "finally! you get a good one instead of these tramps!" That earned him a slap from Euphemia but a loud laugh from all 4 boys. "Jamesie I see you and Lily are having fun?" Euphemia asked with a smirk.

James sank down in his chair was a blush on his face. He mumbled a yeah as his three friends made fun of him. "Leave the lover boy alone! He's finally got the girl. Let him enjoy it." Fleamont said proudly of his son. The two girls returned to the table to get more firewhiskey. "You guys are boringgg, come on dance with us!" Harper slurred after his 4th drink. "Lightweight" Remus called her making everyone laugh.

The 5 friends made their way to the dance floor and began jamming along to "Walk This Way" by Aerosmith. Frank, Alice, and Dorcas joined them not long after and the group danced the night away. As the clock hit 12:30, only the kids were awake except for Fleamont. "Come on, all 5 of you. Your parents are aware you're sleeping here so help me clean. Let's give Phemi a break." Remus got up and waved his wand which made the place go back to normal. "Forgot we could do that.. Well night!"

The kids laughed at the older man as they grew tired. James and Lily snuck off to go shag leaving Peter, Remus, Sirius, and Harper alone again. "Come on boys, I'll show you the room." Sirius said leading them to their room. Harper went to Sirius's bed and collapsed on falling asleep. A few minutes later Sirius came into the room.

He chuckled at the sight of her sprawled out on the bed. He took her dress off and put her into some comfortable pajamas and took her makeup off with some wipes she had in her trunk. He returned to her room and brung her stuff into his. What? They may not be together but she can't go a night without him lately. He got changed and laid down next to her. Planting a kiss on her forehead, he fell asleep.

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